Understand that this will not affect django for the next several releases.  
Probably django 2.0.  The transition from db-api 2 to db-api 3 will be a 
lot like the transition from Python 2 to Python 3.  You will have to import 
a different module to get the different behavior, and today's api-2 
interface will linger around for innumerable years to come.

The reason that 'format' and 'pyformat' have fallen into disfavor is that 
they *look* like the %s and %(identifier)s used by the string "%" operator, 
but they don't quite *work* like them.  That causes no small amount of 
confusion and trouble -- such as having to use %%s sometimes but not 
others.  I need not explain to this group, you have all been bitten by it, 
or will be.  Someday, some poor human will, I suspect, have to look at 
every occurrence of %s in the entire django code base and decide whether to 
replace it with '?' because it is going to an SQL query, or with "{}" 
because it will be a string format operation. The only examples of %s still 
left will be in templates, and in ADO connection strings.  [Having heard 
myself say that, I may decide to write a .format() method for Python 2.5 so 
that I can keep them out of ADO connection strings -- so that that problem 
would never appear.  Must give us pause.]
Expect % as a format specifier in an SQL query to go away ... someday ... 
but not today, and not tomorrow.
Vernon Cole

On Wednesday, May 22, 2013 3:37:55 AM UTC-6, roman wrote:
> Hello, 
> the docs say: 
> """ 
> Passing parameters into raw() 
> If you need to perform parameterized queries, you can use the params 
> argument to raw(): 
> >>> lname = 'Doe' 
> >>> Person.objects.raw('SELECT * FROM myapp_person WHERE last_name = %s', 
> [lname]) 
> params is a list of parameters. You’ll use %s placeholders in the 
> query string (regardless of your database engine); they’ll be replaced 
> with parameters from the params list. 
> """ 
> howerver this woks just fine and I see no reason why this should not be 
> done: 
> >>> param = dict(lname = 'Doe') 
> >>> qs = Person.objects.raw('SELECT * FROM myapp_person WHERE last_name = 
> %(lname)s', param) 
> however still this fails: 
> >>> repr(qs) 
> /home/user/vpy/dev/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/query.pyc 
> in __repr__(self) 
>    1530 
>    1531     def __repr__(self): 
> -> 1532         return "<RawQuerySet: %r>" % (self.raw_query % 
> tuple(self.params)) 
>    1533 
>    1534     def __getitem__(self, k): 
> TypeError: format requires a mapping 
> If no one objects, I could write a patch to the code and the docs that 
> implements the functionality. 
> Regards Roman 

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