By the way, this could also be implemented using just files. The way {% 
include %} works for macros. If that's preferred. That becomes:

{% decorate "my_special_for.html" data %}
    <li>{{ i.value }}</li>
{% enddecorate %}

Le lundi 3 juin 2013 13:38:29 UTC+2, Jonathan Slenders a écrit :
> Hi all. In the past, I once proposed a decorate template tag, but it was 
> disapproved back then.
> This would be another solution, to make the template language a lot more 
> powerful.
> 1. First you define a decorator, for the behaviour you'd like to have. The 
> "data" parameter indicates the receiving parameters.
> {% define my_special_for "data" %}
>     {% if data %}
>         <ul>
>         {% for i in data %}
>             {% placeholder %}
>         {% endfor %}
>         </ul>
>     {% else %}
>         nothing found...
>     {% endif %}
> {% enddefine %}
> This definition can be used as follows:
> {% decorate my_special_for data %}
>     <li>{{ i.value }}</li>
> {% enddecorate %}
> Not sure about the namings, but personally, I'm very convinced about this 
> appoach. There shouldn't be too much logic in the template tags itself.
> Another nice thing is that the <ul> and </ul> tags happen to be in exact 
> the same scope which increases readability and the posibilities for 
> automatic validation.
> An extended version would create a second {% placeholder %} block for the 
> "nothing found..." part.
> If this is an acceptable appoach, I'm willing to contribute this to Django 
> core, and write unit-tests and such.

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