Hi Christopher,

Overall, this looks like a great project and I look forward to the more
flexible validation hooks. As the author of django-secure, I do have one
concern with the implementation plan:

Django's existing validation checks are intended to be run in
development, as a debugging aid, but not in production (to avoid any
slowdown). Thus, by default they are run prior to many management
commands (such as syncdb, runserver), but are generally not run on
production deployments.

The checks in django-secure, on the other hand, are intended to be run
only under your production configuration, and are mostly useless/wrong
in development. Since runserver doesn't handle HTTPS, most people don't
use HTTPS in development, which means you can't set e.g.
SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE to True in development or your sessions will
break, which means that django-secure check will fail; same goes for
most of the other checks. Running django-secure's checks every time you
syncdb or runserver in development would be at best a waste of time and
at worst extremely annoying.

So I think the validation framework you build has to incorporate some
kind of distinction between these two types of validation, which have
very different purposes and should be run at different times:
development/debugging validation and production-configuration
validation. I'm not sure exactly what form this distinction should take:
perhaps validators are simply tagged as one type or the other and then
there are two different management commands?

Interested in your thoughts,


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