I'd like to revive the discussion here. I think making simple 
customizations to the default ModelForm fields is a common need that we 
should try to find some way to address.

Another shot at this is "#2000 <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/20000>-- 
Allow overriding `label`, `help_text` and `error_messages` for the 
default fields in `ModelForm`",
but it's gotten mixed reactions (+1 from Jacob & Carl, -1/reluctant -0 from 

Feedback is appreciated!

On Tuesday, August 21, 2012 2:55:45 AM UTC-4, Jannis Leidel wrote:
> Simon, 
> > A couple of months ago Jannis closed #/17924 [1] as wontfix, stating 
> "I'm violently -1 on the whole topic "meta programming form fields after 
> they've been instantiated", it's a mess. Yes it would be more DRY, but also 
> much harder to know how the hell the form fields are composed as. Just 
> override the form field, it's not a huge deal code wise and much easier to 
> grok." This has since been contested [2] (though for invalid reasons in my 
> opinion). 
> > 
> > I'm not sure that Jannis and I were talking about the same thing; the 
> solution I had in mind did not involve changing form-fields after their 
> instantiation, but rather providing a more elegant and flexible mechanism 
> that works in a similar way to ModelForm.Meta.widgets and 
> formfield_callback. 
> Yup, we're talking about the same thing. No matter how you turn it, 
> whether changing attributes of form fields after they've been instantiated 
> *or* providing an "override" for arguments passed to the __init__ of those 
> forms fields it's still unintuitive and not Pythonic. 
> We added the widgets option to the model form Meta class to allow 
> overriding the widgets without having to specify the whole field again. It 
> helped us solve a annoying bit of reusability of form fields without 
> increasing the number of places users need to be aware of when they write 
> model forms. That works well with widgets since they are clearly defined 
> pieces of code with just one purpose. 
> Opening up the Meta class to be a place where you can define the arguments 
> passed to the form fields' __init__ method would be a step in the wrong 
> direction because it increases the number of places users need to look for 
> initial arguments of form fields. It's a bad idea to allow users to shoot 
> themselves in the foot like that. We want to promote standard Python 
> behavior, not add more magic to save a couple lines of code. 
> Jannis

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