> Le 21 sept. 2013 à 15:53, Richard Ward <daedalusf...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> You say in your docs patch that savepoints are cheap

Truth be said, I haven't run benchmarks.

> so what is transaction.atomic(savepoint=False) for? is it just for 
> performance, or is more like an assertion that we are definitely in a 
> transaction (or both?).

It's mostly for performance. Ask Anssi for details.

There a second, more practical, reason; read below.

> At present the decision to rollback or commit is based on whether there is a 
> current exeption and whether needs_rollback is True. If instead this were 
> just based on whether there is a current exception (getting rid of 
> needs_rollback), then exceptions bubbling from inside a 
> transaction.atomic(savepoint=False) would still cause a rollback, and 
> catching an exception (hiding it from the context manager) would lead to a 
> commit (or at least an attempt to commit). This would leave 
> Django+PostgreSQL's behaviour unchanged

You may be right. I'm not sure. This code is tricky. Such assertions routinely 
take more than 10 hours of work to confirm.

> Removing the option for savepoint=False would have the same effect

It would have the drawback of breaking everyone's assertNumQueries because of 
the extra savepoints introduced by Django.

This would be very hostile to people porting large, well-tested code bases.

Aymeric (mobile).

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