Over the last 6 months we've been working on a fairly large refactor to 
expressions. As a brief catch up, expressions are currently F() 
expressions. I've expanded their scope to include Aggregates. As a 
by-product of this we can now use any kind of expressions in the 
.annotate() function, not just aggregates. Tim Martin has done some work 
based on this patch that extends support to .order_by() also. See the 
bottom of this post for links to the various discussions and patches. I 
highly recommend reading them - and for 3rd party backend maintainers - 
trying them out.

Although this functionality hasn't been merged into core yet, Tim and I 
would like to start putting together a bunch of  SQL functions to be 
included in django. There exists a type called Func in the new 
implementation that allows us to create very simple classes that implement 
SQL functions:

class Lower(Func):
    function = 'LOWER'

The API documentation goes a long way in explaining all the various ways 
that custom expressions and functions can be built, so I'll avoid that for 
now. What we are looking for is some interest in the implementation and 
what we should try to include. I'm not sure, but this might be the perfect 
opportunity to create a DEP.

1. What SQL structures and functions should we try to support for initial 
release? We need to compose a list of everything we should implement and 
commit to. Some examples:
able to implement analytical/window functions too, but that might be best 
left to a future release or even a third party library.

2. Where should these functions live? Currently everything exists in the 
django.db.models.expressions namespace (aggregates are still in 
models.aggregates). I'm thinking along the lines of 

3. How should we support the built in backends where differences in 
implementation arise? As a bad example, what if Oracle requires uppercase 
`LOWER()` and Postgres requires lowercase `lower()`. Expressions have the 
concept of `as_{vendor}`, which allows 3rd party backends to provide their 
own implementation of an expression. Should we use this extension point 
internally, or should we continue to put any differences we find directly 
in the backend? I think it'll be easier to support the as_vendor structure, 
and will automatically support 3rd party backends rather than forcing them 
to implement lower_or_uppercase_function_feature per backend.

4. Should these functions be part of core, or should they be built as third 
party or even contrib apps? I think backend specific functions could find a 
home in contrib (like the postgres kickstarter) or as third party 
libraries. But we should implement the basics/most common.

5. Are we jumping the gun and should we wait until the patches land before 
even discussing the above?

I'll leave it there for now. Hopefully we can get some good feedback and go 
from there.

- Josh


Annotations/Aggregation support: 
- https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/django-developers/8vEAwSwJGMc
- https://github.com/django/django/pull/2496

Order By support: 
- https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/django-developers/arR7B_Luszc

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