
I would like to propose that Django participates in the Stack Overflow Open
Source Advertising
the second semester of 2014

*What it is:*
- is a free advertisement program for promote contributions to open source
- ads are voted by SO users and appear on the SO sidebar.
- the program runs on a semester basis.

*Why it may be important:*
Results of the first semester of 2014
<http://meta.stackoverflow.com/ads/display/251196> show:
- best ad had ~3000 clicks, avg of ~20 clicks/day
- worse ad had ~500 clicks, avg of ~3 clicks/day

Since the effort is relatively low, I believe it is worth. Even if we
don't receive positive feedback in terms of contributions, IMO
just having an ad on SO already improves Django's visibility.

*1. The product*
Main advantages to contribute to Django that we could explore here:

1.1 it improves your Python
1.2 it gives you experience on a production environment
1.3 [put your own]

*2. Target audience*
Potential audiences:
2.1 people that develop websites in Python (e.g. Django, Pyramid)
2.2 people that use Python but don't know Django
2.3 [put your own]

*3. Ad constraints*
3.1 The message must be to *contribute to project X*, not *project X*.
3.2 The ad must follow Django trademark
<http://djangoproject.com/trademarks/> policy.
3.3 [put your own]

*4. Concrete proposal*
For this semester, I propose we focus on 1.1, and 2.1: i.e. we assume the
reader knows Python and likes web development, but may be not familiar with

Focusing on 1.1 and 2.1, 4 days ago I created an ad,
http://i.stack.imgur.com/OgP1X.png, that I retracted yesterday from SO
because it failed to comply with trademark policy, 3.2, as Russell pointed
The "dj" is the favicon of the Django website.

Russell also pointed out and I agree with him that the style can be
improved. However, before we move to the specifics, I would like to ask if
there are objections against participating in the program, and suggestions
or criticisms to the bullets above.

Also, I have no strong feelings about the focus I'm proposing: feel free to
propose other focus.


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