On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 6:48 AM, Shai Berger <s...@platonix.com> wrote:
> Peter, you said you're "interested in getting database migrations to support
> setting database-level default values", but you haven't said why; unless
> there's a convincing use-case, I'm going to be -1 on this (per the new rules,
> this is no longer a veto, but still).

I am not the original poster, but, FWIW, I too would benefit from this feature.

My Django application interacts with an existing Legacy application
and database. These two applications share the existing database.
Parts of the Legacy application have been ported to Django, other
parts haven't. The existing Legacy application and legacy scripts
relied on these database defaults to handle some data. I've made an
effort to shape the database and Legacy application to the "Django
way", but sometimes it is inconvenient given the existing Legacy

For my particular use case, just handling "primitave" values would be
sufficient: True, False, numbers, text. I understand arbitrary Python
functions can't be easily represeted by databases in a cross platform
way, but that is already beyond the common case. Those functions would
need to be implemented by the Legacy application already.

As far as I'm concerned, Django's ORM doesn't even need to rely on
these defaults when creating objects, but if the migration system
_created_ them (and kept them up to date) it would be very helpful to
people in my situation.


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