I'd like to go for bulk_merge(objects, force_update, force_insert,
update_fields) method. The basic implementation would call obj.save() in
loop. Optimized implementations could then be added later on.

Bulk update would then be an optimized implementation for force_update
or update_fields cases.

I'm +1 for adding some form of Case statement to core. I'm not sure what
the API should look like.

 - Anssi

On Mon, 2014-11-17 at 04:54 -0800, michal.modzelew...@gmail.com wrote:
> I've been working on a bulk_update method for a project to allow
> saving many instances of a Model in a single call/query, an analog to
> the existing bulk_create method.
> There seems to be some interest in this as evidenced by a
> library django-bulk-update (which isn't working for me in tests with
> python3 and SQLite) and a recent ticket.
> The ticket was closed as wontfix with an invitation for discussion,
> although the author doesn't seem to have pursued it. However, Shai
> Berger did comment positively on the ticket and proposed a different
> API, similar to the one in django-bulk-update and my own prototype:
> Book.objects.update_many(books, 'price')
> My own attempt was on Django 1.7 using a subclass of ExpressionNode
> passed as a value into UpdateQuery.add_update_values which allows
> Django to generate most of the UPDATE SQL, while the expression
> subclass was only responsible for generating an SQL CASE
> expression. This quickly generalized into a Case expression class
> which could be passed as a value into QuerySet.update.
> But now that Query Expressions have been merged, I've done a quick
> port and the Case expression now works with updates, annotations and
> aggregates, and is used to power my bulk_update method.
> A simple performance test shows that this works quite well. I tested
> the following methods of updating many database rows, using an in
> memory SQLite database :
> # loop_save
> for o in objects:
>     o.save(update_fields=['field'])
> # bulk_update
> MyModel.objects.bulk_update(objects, update_fields=['field'])
> # many_updates
> q = Q(condition__lt=test_value)
> MyModel.objects.filter(q).update(field=value1)
> MyModel.objects.filter(~q).update(field=value2)
> # case_update
> q = Q(condition__lt=test_value)
> MyModel.objects.update(field=Case([(q, value1)], default=value2,
> output_field=MyModel._meta.get_field('field')))
> With 10000 objects in the database, and updating all of them I got
> these run times using clock():
> loop_save:    3.022845626653664
> bulk_update:  0.1785595393377175
> many_updates: 0.009768530320993563
> case_update:  0.009343744353718986
> We can see that bulk_update outperforms looping by an order of
> magnitude, despite  working by generating a CASE expression with a
> WHEN clause for every object conditioned on its pk.
> Using Case in an update has no significant performance improvement,
> over running multiple queries. It may arguably allow for more readable
> code when using many conditions since the semantics of case are that
> conditions are evaluated in order, like a Python if ... elif ... else.
> Compare this:
> MyModel.objects.filter(Q(condition__lt=test_value1)).update(field=value1)
> MyModel.objects.filter(Q(condition__gte=test_value1,
> condition__lt=test_value2)).update(field=value2)
> MyModel.objects.filter(Q(condition__gte=test_value2,
> condition__lt=test_value3)).update(field=value3)
> MyModel.objects.filter(Q(condition__gte=test_value3,
> condition__lt=test_value4)).update(field=value4)
> MyModel.objects.filter(Q(condition__gte=test_value4)).update(field=value5)
> as opposed to:
> q = Q(condition__lt=test_value)
> MyModel.objects.update(field=Case([(Q(condition__lt=test_value1),
> value1),
>                                    (Q(condition__lt=test_value2),
> value2),
>                                    (Q(condition__lt=test_value3),
> value3),
>                                    (Q(condition__lt=test_value4),
> value4)], default=value5,
> output_field=MyModel._meta.get_field('field')))
> With only 10 objects in the database, and updating all of them the
> times are:
> loop_save:    0.004131221428270882
> bulk_update:  0.0006249582329893796
> many_updates: 0.0006562061446388481
> case_update:  0.00036259952923938313
> So the bulk_update performance gains are still there, and update using
> a Case expression if faster because the SQL generation time dominates
> in this example, and only one query needs to be generated and
> executed.
> Case expressions can also be used in other ways (although these
> examples use a subclass SimpleCase, which is described in a little
> more detail below, for simpler syntax):
> # annotation
> MyModel.objects.annotate(status_text=SimpleCase('status', [('S',
> 'Started'), ('R', 'Running'), ('F', 'Finished')],
>                                                 default='Unknown',
> output_field=CharField()))
> # aggregation
> MyModel.objects.aggregate(started=Sum(SimpleCase('status', [('S', 1)],
> default=0, output_field=IntegerField())),
>                           running=Sum(SimpleCase('status', [('R', 1)],
> default=0, output_field=IntegerField())),
>                           finished=Sum(SimpleCase('status', [('F',
> 1)], default=0, output_field=IntegerField())))
> In these examples SimpleCase is a subclass of Case that generates the
> SQL simple CASE expression which is an equality test against a field.
> So is this something that would be a worthwhile addition to core?
> It could work now as a separate module, but the update example
> requires setting output_field. My original Django 1.7 code abused the
> prepare_database_save method that SQLUpdateCompiler called on an
> ExpressionNode to get the field that the expression would be assigned
> to automatically. After the merge of Query Expression
> SQLUpdateCompiler calls either resolve_expression or
> prepare_database_save, so I can no longer use this. A change in
> SQLUpdateCompiler would be required with a new API for settings
> output_field automatically on ExpressionNodes used as update values.
> If this were considered for core, I would appreciate input on the API.
> I currently have:
> Case(list_of_case_tuples, default, output_field) - A general CASE
> expression called a searched case in the SQL spec. list_of_case_tuples
> is an iterable of tuples of the form (Q_object, value), and default is
> the value for the ELSE clause. This generates SQL like:
> CASE WHEN n > 0 THEN 'positive' WHEN n < 0 THEN 'negative' ELSE 'zero'
> SimpleCase(fieldname, list_of_simple_case_tuples, default,
> output_field) - A simple case expression in the SQL spec. fieldname is
> a field identifier like in an F expression, list_of_simple_case_tuples
> is an iterable of tuples of the form (condition_value, result_value).
> This generates SQL like:
> CASE n WHEN 1 THEN 'one' WHEN 2 THEN 'two' ELSE 'other' END
> Model.objects.bulk_update(list_of_instances, update_fields) - An
> analog to the bulk_create method that save changes in many model
> instances. list of instances is an iterable of model instances,
> update_fields is the same as the argument to Model.save of the same
> name.
> Of course I will put up a branch on github if there is interest in
> this proposal. Thanks for your time and sorry for the wall of text.
> - Michael

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