On 11/18/2014 12:34 PM, Alasdair Nicol wrote:
> On 17/11/14 16:53, Carl Meyer wrote:
>> (Personally I think it would be better to document the same technique
>> for both Model.clean() and Form.clean(), because I don't think
>> Form.add_error() is significantly easier, and it breaks the API
>> consistency of "always flag a validation problem by raising
>> ValidationError", but I guess that's a larger discussion.)
> I've been updating a codebase to Django 1.7 this week. Personally, I
> find the add_error API to be more concise when you don't want to raise
> an exception immediately.
> class MyForm(forms.Form):
>     def clean():
>         if check1():
>             self.add_error('field1', 'error message')
>         if check2():
>             self.add_error('field2', 'error message')
> In my models' clean methods, I have to keep track of the errors as I go
> along.
> class MyModel(models.Model):
>     def clean():
>         errors = {}
>         if check1():
>             errors['field1'] = 'error message'
>         if check2():
>             errors['field2'] = 'error message'
>         if errors:
>             raise ValidationError(errors)
> Having said that, it's not that much more difficult, only 3 extra lines
> of code in this case. API consistency is a good argument for documenting
> the ValidationError(dict) approach in both places.

Yes, the add_error() API is slightly less verbose if you have multiple
different errors you may want to flag. I don't think that difference is
worth having to remember two different ways to do it, but I don't really
feel strongly enough about it to push for what would essentially amount
to deprecating `Form.add_error()`.

I am satisfied as long as `raise ValidationError(dict)` continues to
work in both places, so I can use it in my code :-)


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