On Monday, January 19, 2015 at 3:45:18 PM UTC+1, Andreas Kahnert wrote:
> I'm not talking about modifications inside the settings.py but in other 
> place. With lists, unexperienced devs might do things like: from 
> django.conf import settings; settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS[3] = '/my_tpls'; and 
> expect to work out good. 

And with tuples they just do settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS = 
list(settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS) followed by your example. What I am trying to 
say is that a developer ignoring the docs will always run into issues, no 
matter how hard we try to prevent it. 

This is realy just a question of logic: lists are mutable - settings are 
> immutable; see the conflict?

Well, what is your suggestion for the dictionaries in the settings then ;) 
In the end it just doesn't matter if it's a list or a tuple -- you can 
"mutate" it anyways. For the functionality of Django it makes no difference 
if you altered the setting in place or just replace it -- stuff __will__ 


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