Thanks for taking this on, James. I do think it would be best to defer this 
to Django 1.10 rather than try to rush it into Django 1.9 at this point. 
Also, there are several URL related deprecations scheduled to complete in 
1.10 which should simplify things (I've started on those removals here: Absent another interested 
person, I should be able to mentor you on this during the Django 1.10 
release cycle (which can start once we cut the stable/1.9.x branch after 
1.9 alpha around September 21). In the meantime, if you want take a look 
for some simpler tickets to tackle to get a feel for our contribution 
process, I think that would be helpful.

On Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 2:25:07 PM UTC-4, James Addison wrote:
> In the interests of keeping the excellent work done by Marten Kenbeek 
> (knbk on IRC/Github) on the GSOC 2015 URL Dispatcher project [1] current 
> and moving along, I've created a new branch [2] and rebased it against 
> current master. (I am doing this because it seems like Marten is no longer 
> able to continue working on the effort. *If this should change or is 
> incorrect, Marten, please let me/us know!*)
> To try and find how far along the project is, I've quickly compared the 
> original GSOC outline/timeline [1] against my updated branch [2] to see 
> what is done/remaining:
>    - section 3.1 (Design phase) I believe was done, but am unable to find 
>    anything other than a few posts on the django-developer mailing list - *is 
>    there a source for this?*
>    - section 3.2 (Namespace overhaul) hasn't been addressed that I can 
>    tell - *I'd recommend dropping this as it isn't core to the effort*
>    - Items completed in section 3.3 (Dispatcher API): 3.3.[1-4]
>    - *Items remaining* in section 3.3: (Dispatcher API): 3.3.[5-9] - some 
>    highlights:
>       - re-implementing some legacy functionality for backward 
>       compatibility (ie. RegexURLPattern)
>       - additional tests
>       - lots of documentation!
>       - additional resolvers (ie. scheme, sub-domain, etc)
> Please keep in mind that I'm mostly unfamiliar with the internals of 
> Django core elements, so I may have easily overlooked/mistook relevant 
> information. I'd appreciate any other review/input as well. Here is the 
> branch comparison [3] on Github.
> Based on the Django 1.9 release schedule, I have doubts that this will be 
> merged in for feature freeze, which is unfortunate. I would like to think 
> that I am up to the task, but the URL functionality in Django is about as 
> 'core' as it gets and I would not want to bite off more than I can chew 
> without backup. Any thoughts on the continued viability of this effort? Is 
> this something that someone inexperienced with Django internals should take 
> on? If so, I'd definitely need coaching!
> Lastly, I want to mention that I do have a new project in which I had been 
> using Marten's branch (and am now using my own branch [2]), and it has been 
> functionally solid for the scheme, (sub) domain and url resolving and 
> reversing use cases. See the the [4] from that project to whet 
> your appetites as to the possibilities of all this. :)
> Previous discussions on the django-developers mailing list [5].
> [1] 
> [2]
> [3] 
> [4]
> [5] 
> and 
> (most recent)
> Cheers,
> James Addison

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