I'm very interested in getting this into 1.10. I can devote some time to it 
to help.

When I looked at it before, based on the time I had available, it didn't 
seem feasible for me to remove every single inline script. Especially with 
form widgets that include templated javascript. Instead I was looking at 
the two ways to whitelist scripts with CSP, namely script-nonce and script 
hash sources. The disadvantage with either of these approaches is that they 
need to be integrated with the middleware adding the CSP header, to 
communicate the current page nonce or the list of hashes. script-nonces 
also totally destroy caching, because each response has to have a unique 
nonce that's referenced by each inline script. 

Ideally django admin would just be compatible with whatever CSP header the 
user wants, without any specific integration, so removing all inline 
scripts and styles is certainly preferable if you have the time.

>  Oh, btw please do not handwrite JSON in templates, 

Absolutely, the view should build a data structure representing the data to 
be encoded as JSON rather than templating it.

>  which then only needs to go through the autoescape filter I think

This is actually incorrect. <script> tags in HTML5 are Raw Text elements, 
so Django's autoescaping doesn't work because HTML entities are not decoded 
inside Raw Text elements [1]. I use the json filter from 
django-argonauts[2] in all my projects to do json encoding.

[1]: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#raw-text-elements
[2]: https://github.com/fusionbox/django-argonauts#filter

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