On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 6:05 AM, Samuel Bishop <lucract...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
> Thanks for the detailed response. I'm glad to hear you have tried a few
> different ways to implement this, and having read through your reply, and
> the channels docs again, I have more questions :-)
> Your point about asynchronous code introducing needless complexity is very
> well founded, its one of the reasons I like Actor Model Concurrency over
> other concurrency models, it scales well computationally, and *mentally*,
> as a programmer, I am trying break down my real world goals into discrete
> steps of computations, comparisons, iterations and by combining these
> steps, I construct my program. Actor Model Concurrency, is no more
> complicated than saying "This step can be done without affecting anything
> else thats going on", which makes the 'actor/task' much easier to introduce
> to existing synchronous code than most other concurrency methods.

I agree - I'm a big fan of actors in general and it's usually what I turn
to to write complex simulations when I'm mucking around with game backends.

> One thing that sticks with me as I think about the current channels
> design, relates to the idea I've raised in another discussion (
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/django-developers/-BOsuVdPFXc ).
> If I put my architect hat on and think about the future a bit, a 'more'
> actor based design to channels might simplify later additional async work.
> Since all the websocket stuff is new, I'll stick to the existing HTTP cycle
> in this example. In version 1 a 'vanilla' Django task/actor would be a full
> HTTP request response cycle, like how Django and WSGI currently work. Our
> Django task is effectively our WSGI task, much like Pulsar Pulse. If all of
> Django is contained inside our new task/worker/supervisor Actor layer, then
> it becomes fairly trivial to do things like create separate request
> handler, database query, and template rendering task/actors and chain their
> calls. Since in the previously linked to discussion thread, I'm talking
> about decoupling the ORM from the 'upper' layers of Django, its hard to not
> also think what opportunities that would open up for async efforts. How do
> you see the architecture of Django channels accommodating such improvements
> in future? At the moment your focused on keeping things compatible and
> avoiding the need for any of the existing synchronous Django code to
> change, is this introducing any design tradeoffs that you are aware of with
> regards to hypothetical future developments?

So, what you propose obviously isn't feasible in the short term - I'm doing
as much as I can to decouple Channels from "rewrite all of Django" - but
notably, channels is a subset of the actor model. In particular, you could
see consumers as stateless, single-action actors - but, this means that any
future abstraction would be able to build on that.

> Django Channels feels like it contains a possible asynchronous replacement
> for signals but is 'holding back', many cases where I can see myself using
> a channel, I'm using them with a signal handler, can you elaborate a bit on
> your thoughts here? I assume its a compatibility decision, but is there
> more to it than just that?

It's entirely a compatibility decision - Channels needs to ship in a way
where code written for 1.9 will work the same, barring a few edge cases
where people dip down to raw WSGI.

You can entirely replace signals with custom channels, and I want to ship
example code that does so (it's two lines of code, pretty much), but they
work in a different way - for example, right now the pre_save signal can
actually prevent a save from occurring, whereas if it were on a channel
we'd have to then link the save consumer up to be run as a result of
pre_save, which starts down a path of compatibility nightmares.

Channels should be flexible enough that if you want to pursue the actor
pattern you can - the underlying library basically just has send() and
receive_many([channel_name, ...]) methods, so you can see how that could be
used to make different task-oriented processes rather than the generic
worker model that's going in now - it's just a case of keeping a major
addition like this as simple and backwards-compatible as possible.
Rewriting everything from scratch would be lovely, but unfortunately part
of maintaining a framework is not doing that.

Part of me, though, would be very interested in such a project being
undertaken to see how far it could go, though I'm not sure you could then
call the end result Django - at least, not without getting there
incrementally over many releases.


> On Thursday, 17 December 2015 19:08:09 UTC+8, Andrew Godwin wrote:
>> Hi Samuel,
>> You'll notice if you look carefully that I avoid saying "async" almost
>> anywhere in the Channels announcements or documentation, and when I do,
>> it's qualified very carefully. Channels makes Django event-driven, but it
>> does not provide full "in-process" async like Twisted, asyncio, or
>> something like Pulsar.
>> Channels is actually kind of related to the actor model in some ways, but
>> it's simpler; imagine it as a pool of identical actors that are all
>> stateless, apart from the interface servers, which have the incoming socket
>> and thus the state.
>> The key thing is that Channels does nothing to make Django asynchronous.
>> All the Django code will remain synchronous (the ORM, templating, etc.),
>> and run in synchronous processes that just process one message after the
>> next. The only part of the system that will require an async framework is
>> the interface servers, as to be anywhere near efficient they need to serve
>> more than one socket at once; right now we're using Twisted and asyncio for
>> those, purely as they're incredibly mature and well-supported by the
>> community, but you could swap out anything there that achieved the same
>> goal (greenlets, for example, though I personally dislike their
>> implicitness).
>> Channels essentially takes the worker-prefork model that's been used in
>> webservers for years and applies it to a lower-level message concept rather
>> than HTTP requests (http requests are just one kind of message). This not
>> only has the advantage of a lot of previous work and research into
>> architecting and scaling these kinds of systems, it also means the actual
>> amount of work in core Django isn't crazy; it's more about providing nice
>> places to wrap up the worker loop and nice utilities around authentication
>> and session management.
>> If you read through the docs there's a bit more about this, but
>> basically, the fundamental design goal here is that Channels be no harder
>> to use than normal Django; indeed, it's almost exactly the same view
>> concept, but instead of a request you get a message, and the newer
>> developers I've interviewed about it seem to be comfortable with the
>> extension of the current abstraction straight away. I don't ever want
>> people to have to write asynchronous code if they don't want to; it's
>> currently so easy to shoot yourself in the foot in almost any Python async
>> solution that I don't think that makes for a good developer experience.
>> The "complexity" of the message backends you describe is because they're
>> network-transparent; there is indeed a simple, in-process one that uses
>> threads too, but the whole point of this design is that you run Django over
>> multiple processes on many machines, and in order to get something like
>> that you need a place to funnel messages through (another potential backend
>> design could use direct connection and process discovery, perhaps, or an
>> Erlang-like process spawn-and-track design with an overarching controller
>> process with access to many pre-selected machines).
>> The idea of making an asynchronous Django is tangential to making
>> Channels; this is more about changing the design abstraction of Django so
>> we can fit the concept in, and then providing a neat solution that drops
>> into the gap. There's nothing stopping someone making the worker processes
>> for Channels async-aware as well, so they can run multiple message
>> consumers at once, but that's such a complex and risk-fraught task that I
>> don't think it's worth it when we can get 90% of the benefits with a much
>> simpler and easier-to-design-and-understand system. If you want to see an
>> example of actual async Django, see Amber's talk from Django Under the Hood
>> this year, where she managed to get it working decently well under Twisted.
>> I expect Channels to smooth out Django's performance mostly as a
>> side-effect of the worker model providing demand-based load balancing by
>> design, but I doubt it will be a huge increase until people start using the
>> primitives it provides to offload tasks to other workers.
>> I hope that somewhat long-winded explanation helps - if not, let me know
>> what's still unclear and I'll try to tackle it. Clearing up what we're
>> trying to do and communicating it is important to me; I want to make sure
>> everyone knows so we can get good feedback on this stuff. For what it's
>> worth, I did consider the actor model along with several other kinds of
>> concurrency approaches (I've been prototyping bits of this for years); this
>> approach ended up being the nicest design and the one I have the most
>> confidence in that we can scale and shard to large work volumes.
>> Andrew
>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 10:30 AM, Samuel Bishop <lucra...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm uncertain how popular the suggestion will be but ... are "channels"
>>> the right solution to our async/concurrency problems? ( I'm all for
>>> django-channels the project and the work to solve these issues)
>>> All the talk of channels, workers, queues and back ends in the
>>> explanations I'm reading as I follow along with the progress of 'Django
>>> Channels", just feels "less good" than solving this problem via Actor Model
>>> Concurrency (championed by Erlang, Elixir, Stackless Python, etc).
>>> There is an excellent actor model concurrency library for python that
>>> already supports 'async django'. "Pulsar" (
>>> http://pythonhosted.org/pulsar/index.html) and the documentation here
>>> http://pythonhosted.org/pulsar/apps/pulse.html shows two different ways
>>> to use actor model concurrency to attack the issue of using Django with
>>> asynchronous web stuff like Websockets, etc.
>>> Some of what's being described in the explanations of Django channels
>>> sounds very similar to what they provide to work around the limitations of
>>> django's blocking request processing cycle other parts sound much more
>>> complicated, for instance the need for various back ends
>>> in-memory/redis/etc.
>>> I know Pulsar is currently Python 3.4 and newer only, but in the past it
>>> supported 2.7, so anything we can learn from their concurrency approach can
>>> work on Python 2.7 to maintain our backwards compatibility going forward.
>>> You can see an example of Pulsar using python 2 if you look on the
>>> benchmark page for their python powered 'redis clone' -
>>> https://gist.github.com/lsbardel/8068579 - One of the benchmarks is
>>> using pypy so the code definitely worked in a python 2.7 environment.
>>> Would the work to integrate channels as part of Django improve the
>>> ability to run Django in a completely async mode and enhance its
>>> performance when run under Pulsar? or would it just be something that
>>> needed to be turned off if we wanted to use something like Pulsar to power
>>> our "async django". Is there anything to be gained from using a more actor
>>> driven concurrency model or adopting any of the other methods used in their
>>> 'pulse' django app?
>>> I suppose I'm just trying to work out how to compare using
>>> Django-Channels with using Pulse from the Pulsar project.
>>> On Wednesday, 16 December 2015 19:23:56 UTC+8, Andrew Godwin wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 9:52 AM, Markus Holtermann <
>>>> in...@markusholtermann.eu> wrote:
>>>>> >If I get it right -- Curtis' description is spot-on; some tasks will
>>>>> >still
>>>>> >need Celery, Channels will take care of many others.
>>>>> For me it's more a question of "is a client directly involved".
>>>> I don't agree; I think it's more "do you have enough workers to handle
>>>> this". Channels makes all workers serve all requests, so if you're doing
>>>> e.g. video encoding you can't segregate it from request handling. However,
>>>> you could have multiple channel backends and thus multiple worker pools to
>>>> achieve this.
>>>> Andrew
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