The options for save() API seem to be:
  1. refresh_fields=[...] for save() - if set, then issue RETURNING for 
fields mentioned in the refresh_fields API.
  2. expressions: my_model.updated_at = TransactionNow();, 
where TransactionNow is flagged to refresh the value from DB post-save.
  3. field flags like done in the PR.

Field flags are nice for things you always want to load from database (say, 

If the use cases we target are "generate value in db on insert" and 
"generate value in db on insert or update", and only those, then I think we 
can go with just a flag that tells Django to always skip the model's value 
on save(), and to reload from DB always. 

We are going to override the assigned value on save(), but I think it has 
to be this way. Consider:  # a_object.updated_at is set to '2016-02-03' as it is 
database delegated  # a_object.updated_at has a value, so we should error if 
we don't ignore the value
forcing users to set the value to None pre-save breaks the whole field flag 
feature. We could go directly with expressions in that case. We could also 
use the value in the update and require the DB trigger to ignore the value.

We don't have a separate flag for doing the refresh on insert only, but 
that isn't IMO such a big problem. We are going to add a minor overhead to 
updating by refreshing a field value from the DB when it hasn't changed, 
but making the API simpler is worth this IMO.

So, my opinion is that for the field flags API we need just one flag. A 
name like db_generated comes to mind. This gives a nice way to support the 
most common use case - that of calculating an inserted_at/updated_at field 
directly in DB.

After we have the field flag API, I think we should aim for expressions 
support. For expressions we should have enough flags for allowing full 
control over save() behavior. So, if the db_generated field flag isn't 
enough for some use case, you can go low-level and use expressions 
directly. We could perhaps even allow db_generated value to be an 
expression - if so, that expression would be used on save() and 

For the update_fields change, I think we can do that completely separately. 
The same goes for changing the way how deferred fields are implemented.

 - Anssi

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