> This just made me realize that the whole problem can already be fixed from 
> the user's perspective by importing the module instead of using string 
> based imports

Not entirely convinced. Firstly it's extra stuff you have to explicitly 
import which seems a style regression from the "oh just use these included 
urls" that you get with the string-based import.

Secondly, whilst it might look fine when you are doing it once, for example:

from django.conf.urls import url, include

from . import views
from .foo import urls

urlpatterns = (
    url(r'', include(urls, namespace='foo')),

    url(r'^$', views.landing, name='landing'),

.. but the import dance get a bit nasty when you have multiple ones - you 
have to alias each import:

from django.conf.urls import url, include

from . import views
from .foo_app import urls as foo_urls
from .bar_app import urls as bar_urls
# etc.

urlpatterns = (
    url(r'', include(foo_urls, namespace='foo')),
    url(r'', include(bar_urls, namespace='bar')),

    url(r'^$', views.landing, name='landing'),

This isn't an readabiliy improvement over using the string urls IMHO.

Now, if only we could do the following:

from . import views, foo_app, bar_app

urlpatterns = (
    url(r'', include(foo_app.urls), namespace='foo')),
    url(r'', include(bar_app.urls), namespace='bar')),

    url(r'^$', views.landing, name='landing'),


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