Hi Marcin,

On 04/26/2016 08:12 PM, Marcin Nowak wrote:
> But I would like to say my thoughts about "settings" itself.
> They were good (simple) before incuding nested dictionaries.
> After switching to dicts the settings handling went harder way.

I agree that settings grouped into dicts are harder to manage than flat
settings. Django has not made any "switch to dicts" for settings; in
fact, the last time we had to make a decision between a group of flat
settings with a common prefix vs a dict, we chose flat (the SECURE_*

> As a example I can tell about reconfiguring LOGGING for dev/live settings.
> We're tuning them via direct changes like
> LOGGING['loggers']['some-logger']['level']='...'
> which is very error prone. The flat settings are easier to maintain.

LOGGING is a special case; this dict format is not defined by Django,
but by Python's logging module and its "dictConfig" function.

> Nested settings are good for framework internals and should stay in that
> form, 
> but maybe solution for end users and ENV integration is flattening
> settings again, at the high-level?
> Let's imagine something like INI file which is parsed somehow and
> converted to internal settings object.
> The INI file has a shallow structure (options grouped in sections), 
> can be easily extended / overrided / included (look at Buidout as an
> example),
> and ENV keys will be related to flat INI instead of nested settings.py.
> Let's consider an example:
> |
> [databases]
> default.url =postgres+psycopg2://user:pwd@localhost:5432/exampledb
> default.engine =django.db.backends.postgres_psycopg2
> |
> which can be simply reconfigured by ENV vars like:
> DJANGO_DATABASES_DEFAULT_URL="postgres+psycopg2://user:pwd@localhost:5432/exampledb"
> DJANGO_DATABASES_DEFAULT_ENGINE="django.db.backends.postgres_psycopg2"
> OR add some preprocessing and flexibility:
> |
> [databases]
> default.url =${env:SOME-USER-KEY1}
> default.engine =${env:SOME-USER-KEY2}
> [env]
> SOME_USER_KEY1=a defaultvalue fordefaultdatabase URL
> SOME_USER_KEY2=a defaultvalue fordefaultdatabase engine
> |
> where [env] section will by filled automatically by Django from os.environ.
> This also gives a possibility to extend settings.ini via development.ini, 
> where [databases] can be overridden with developer settings (without env
> access)

I've done something similar before, and I think it's fine, but this is
an example of precisely the sort of more-magical opinionated approach to
settings that I don't think belongs in Django core; it's perfectly
possible to implement it as a third-party package on top of Django's
current settings handling, for those who like it.


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