BTW, if I understand your problem correctly you might be able to do this 
using a subquery:

non_special_items = Item.objects.exclude(id__in=special_items)

special_only_bundles = Bundle.objects.exclude(items__in=non_special_items)

On Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 11:19:42 PM UTC+10, David Xiao wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Django is missing a not_equal lookup type for database queries.  I know 
> this has been requested before and that the usual response is to use exclude 
> or ~Q.  While that works for a lot of use cases, I have a natural use 
> case that I haven't seen discussed and that seems to escape easy 
> implementation with the existing queryset implementation.  (I already 
> posted to the django-users group and nobody was able to give a satisfactory 
> answer.  If there is an easy answer, one using a single query, please let 
> me know.)
> Example: suppose we have the following models:
> class Bundle(Model)
>   items = ManyToManyField("Item")
> class Item(Model)
>   pass
> (So one item can belong to many Bundles and one Bundle can have many 
> Items.)
> The query: I want to select all Bundles whose items are contained in an 
> array special_items.  (Think of special_items as being relatively small 
> and the set of all possible items as large.)  
> Example: Suppose the database contains Items item1, item2, item3 (possibly 
> among many other items) and that special_items = [item1, item2].  Suppose 
> also the following Bundles exist in the database:
> 1. Bundle containing item1
> 2. Bundle containing item2
> 3. Bundle containing item1, item2
> 4. Bundle containing item2, item3
> 5. Bundle containing item1, item2, item3
> So the query should return bundles 1, 2, 3 but exclude bundles 4, 5 
> because they contain item3, which is not a special item.
> Queries that don't work:
> - Bundle.exclude(items__in=special_items) which returns no bundles
> - Bundle.filter(items__in=special_items) which returns bundles 1,2,3,4,5
> - Bundle.exclude(~Q(items__in=special_items)) which returns 1,2,3,4,5
> One work-around that does work is 
> Bundle.exclude(items__in=not_special_items) where not_special_items contains 
> all possible items that are not in special_items.  But clearly this is 
> impractical/unusable if the set of possible items is infinite or very large.
> On the other hand, if we had a not_equal (or even better, a not_in) 
> operator, we could do the query as follows:
> Bundle.exclude(items__not_in=special_items)
> Bundle.filter(~Q(items__not_equal=special_items[0]) & 
> ~Q(items__not_equal=special_items[1]) & ...)
> (The latter should be OK because in typical use cases special_items is a 
> small set.)
> Note: I did try to implement this as a custom lookup, but I guess because 
> it's spanning a relationship you can't use the regular custom lookup API. 
> If there is an easy way to add this as a custom lookup I'd appreciate some 
> guidance.

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