On Monday 11 July 2016 22:45:31 Florian Apolloner wrote:
> On Monday, July 11, 2016 at 7:56:34 PM UTC+2, Tim Graham wrote:
> > As for me as a developer, I'd support removing the exception silencing
> > that {% include %} does so that errors appear alongside any other
> > exceptions (e.g. in Sentry) rather than in the django.template logger
> > (that logging was added in Django 1.9).
> Dito, most tags should error out where it makes sense, but not sure if we
> can easily change that :(

It must be opt-in; now that we have template engines and they're configured in 
dictionaries, we have plenty of room for that, though.

Another option to consider is make them error out only under the test-client.

My 2 cents,

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