
I’ve been using zlib compression on my custom view responses on my site 
(https://www.futureclaw.com).  I do this before I even cache, and I store the 
compressed responses in my Redis cache.  This effectively increases my Redis 
cache size by about 10x.  It also reduces response times from my HTTP server by 
10s of milliseconds, since my web server doesn’t have to compress on-the-fly 
for cached responses - the view fragments are served directly from the Redis 

I also use generators for my views, and I use Django’s streaming views with my 
generators to stream responses, so that the web browser receives early 
responses and start rendering immediately before the view is completely 
processed.  The web browser receives the first HTML fragment before I even hit 
the database.

Ultimately my page load times are ridiculously fast, especially for a fully 
graphically intensive site.  For full cache miss, it might take 15ms to 
generate a page.  For a cache hit, it might take .3ms.  For a full page load 
end-user, which loads all fonts and graphics, I'm down to 381ms, faster than 
98% of all sites (it was several seconds before).  See: 

(BTW I plan on reducing the full-page load times down to the 100-200ms range 
using HTTP/2 server push)

Anyways, is this feature of interest to the Django community for perhaps the 
next version?

Here is the relevant portion directly lifted from my code as an example.  I 
made this earlier this year, and I’m not sure how much this needs to be changed 
for use by Django itself, especially considering I don’t use the Django 
template system or ORM:

class ZipView(View):

    level = 9
    wbits = zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16

    decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(wbits=wbits)
    def store(compressor,key,data,time=9,end=False):
        zData = compressor.compress(data)
        if end == False:
            zData += compressor.flush(zlib.Z_FULL_FLUSH)
            zData += compressor.flush(zlib.Z_FINISH)
        cache.set(key, zData, time)
        return zData
    def inflate(self,decompressor,data):
        return self.decompressor.decompress(data)

    pageData = []
    def getPageData(self,slug=None):

    def generator(self,request,slug=None,compress=True):
        tuple = []
        compressor = False
        decompressor = False
        zData = cache.get('pStart')  #pStart contains zlib header.  Header is 
        if zData is None:
            html = bytes(self.get_page_start_stream(),'utf-8')
            compressor = zlib.compressobj(level=self.level, wbits=self.wbits)
            zData = self.store(compressor,'pStart',html,time=None)
            if compress == False:
                decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(wbits=self.wbits)
                html = decompressor.decompress(zData)
        if compress == False:
            zData = html
        yield zData

        pageKey = self.getPageKey(slug)
        zPageData = cache.get(pageKey)
        if zPageData is None:
            expire = 3600
            zPage = b''
            #Fragment tuples contain HTML generator & associated parameters, as 
well as cache settings for each fragment.
            for tuple in self.fragments(request):
                if tuple[2]:
                    if tuple[2] < expire:
                        expire = tuple[2]
                k = tuple[0]+str(tuple[1])
                zData = cache.get(k)
                if zData is None:
                    func = tuple[3]
                    html = bytes(func(*tuple[4:]),'utf-8')
                    if compressor == False:
                        compressor = zlib.compressobj(level=self.level, 
                    zData = self.store(compressor,k,html,tuple[2])
                    if compress == False:
                        if decompressor == False:
                            decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(wbits=self.wbits)
                        html = decompressor.decompress(zData)
                zPage += zData
                if compress == False:
                    zData = html
                yield zData
            zData = cache.get('pEnd')
            if zData is None:
                html = bytes(self.get_closing_stream(),'utf-8')
                if compressor == False:
                    compressor = zlib.compressobj(level=self.level, 
                zData = self.store(compressor,'pEnd',html,time=None,end=True)
                if compress == False:
                    if decompressor == False:
                        decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(wbits=self.wbits)
                    html = decompressor.decompress(zData)
            zPage += zData
            cache.set(pageKey, zPage, expire)
            self.newtime = time.perf_counter()
            if compress == False:
                zData = html
            yield zData
            if compress == False:
                if decompressor == False:
                    decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(wbits=self.wbits)
                zPageData = decompressor.decompress(zPageData)
            yield zPageData

class FastView(ZipView):

    c = connection.cursor()

    def get(self, request):
        return self.html(request)

    def html(self, request, slug=None):
            encoding = request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']
            encoding = ''
        if 'gzip' in encoding:
            compress = True
            compress = False
        if settings.BENCHMARK:
            count = 1
            logger.info('//Starting Benchmark')
            logger.info(' Class name: %s' % self.__class__.__name__)
            start_time = timing = time.perf_counter()
            if compress:
                page = b''
            for html in self.generator(request,slug,compress):
                page += html
                newtime = time.perf_counter()
                logger.info('  Step %i: %fms' % (count, (newtime-timing)*1000))
                count = count + 1
                timing = newtime
            logger.info(' Total Time: %fms' % ((newtime-start_time)*1000))
            logger.info('//End Benchmark')
            response = HttpResponse(page)
            if compress:
                response['content-encoding'] = 'gzip'
            return response
            response = 
            if compress:
                response['content-encoding'] = 'gzip'
            return response

class IndexView(FastView,factory):

    title = 'FutureClaw'

    def getPageKey(slug=None):
        return 'pIndex'

    def fragments(self,request=None,slug=None):
        return [
            ['pMetaIndex','',3600,self.get_page_meta_stream,self.title, None, 

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