On Sunday 29 January 2017 22:54:12 Proxy wrote:
> Actually django.contrib.settings needs to be SWAPPABLE. Then it will
> receive +100. (Oooohh... Someone already proposed this. Even with code
> sample -> https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/22779. 3 years ago and
> ticket still open... How typical... :/)
> In my project I'm case #2, but I still need a bunch of additional fields to
> provide for Site. Icons, descriptions, https flags. Think with SaaS and
> you'll know the drill.

In that case, and until Site becomes swappable, you should be able to do what 
we all did before User was swappable: Define a "SiteProfile" model, with a 1-1 
relationship to Site, where you can add fields to your heart's content.

> Currently making it possible equals ton of hackish lines and definitely
> more DB queries.

So, could you explain why that is the case?


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