On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 8:21 PM, Fred Stluka <f...@bristle.com> wrote:

> I agree that use of undefined variables should raise an exception.
> The incompatibility with previous versions will mostly catch errors
> that have been going undetected.

I disagree, unless you are limiting this change specifically to arguments
to non-builtin template tags. (Which I thought already raised exceptions,
so I'm still confused here as to what change is being proposed.)

Given the documented behavior of evaluating undefined variables to empty
strings its been common practice to use:

{% if var_that_may_not_exist %}
...stuff that should only show when var exists...
{% endif %}

or to include {{ var_that_may_not_exist }} somewhere in a template and rely
on it evaluating to an empty string. (admin itself was documented as not
working correctly if you set the setting to evaluate undefined to something
other than empty string).

Changing either of these now to raise exceptions would be a huge backwards
incompatibility going against previously documented behavior.  Please don't
do that.

It may well be friendlier to developers (I've never been a fan of the
"templates shouldn't raise exceptions" philosophy) but the fact is for many
years now it's been perfectly acceptable to use what might be undefined
variables in templates and the behavior has been documented as to how it
will work. Changing that now to start raising exceptions would be
incredibly unfriendly to existing code that has been written to rely on it.


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