The problem with passing the queryset is that it's possible that some 
object is added to or removed from the queryset between the pre_update and 
actual update execution. To avoid this the execution should go somewhere 
along the lines of:
   1) if there is pre_update or post_update do stages 2-5, if not, update 
as with current code
   2) fetch primary keys for models to be updated to a set, with 
.select_for_update() applied
   3) fire pre_update, give the primary key set as argument
   4) do the update against a queryset with .filter(pk__in=pk_set)
   5) fire post_update with primary key set as argument

This way the pre and post update signals will execute against a fixed set 
of instances. The bad part is that this can significantly slow down the 
.update() call, but to get actually safe signals, I don't see a way around 

 - Anssi

On Friday, March 31, 2017 at 3:51:34 AM UTC+3, Tim Graham wrote:
> There's an accepted ticket about adding pre_update and post_update 
> signals: From a quick 
> glance, I think this is what you're proposing.
> On Thursday, March 30, 2017 at 4:28:00 PM UTC-4, Todor Velichkov wrote:
>> Consider the following piece of code:
>> @receiver(pre_save, sender=MyModel)
>> def my_handler(sender, **kwargs):
>>     instance = kwargs['instance']
>>     if instance.verified:
>>         do_something(instance)
>>     else:
>>         do_else(instance)
>> Its good, because it keeps `MyModel` decoupled from `do_something`
>> But there is one flaw. If we do:
>> MyModel.objects.filter(verified=False).update(verified=True)
>> we are screwed, `do_something` is not executed, and our models get 
>> out-of-sync.
>> If we try to get smart and manually fire the pre_save signal for each 
>> instance, we are gonna have a hard time.
>> Its gonna be slow.
>> And its gonna be memory inefficient.
>> We already experienced it in our app.
>> So our new approach is like this:
>>     pre_bulk_update = Signal(providing_args=["queryset", "update_kwargs"
>> ])
>>     post_bulk_update = Signal(providing_args=["update_kwargs",])
>>     pre_bulk_create = Signal(providing_args=["objs", "batch_size"])
>>     post_bulk_create = Signal(providing_args=["objs", "batch_size"])
>>     class MyModelQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
>>         def update(self, **kwargs):
>>             pre_bulk_update.send(sender=self.model, queryset=self, 
>> update_kwargs=kwargs)
>>             res = super(MyModelQuerySet, self).update(**kwargs)
>>             # The queryset will be altered after the update call
>>             # so no reason to send it.
>>             post_bulk_update.send(sender=self.model, update_kwargs=kwargs
>> )
>>             return res
>>         def bulk_create(self, objs, batch_size=None):
>>             pre_bulk_create.send(sender=self.model, objs=objs, batch_size
>> =batch_size)
>>             res = super(MyModelQuerySet, self).bulk_create(objs, 
>> batch_size)
>>             post_bulk_create.send(sender=self.model, objs=objs, 
>> batch_size=batch_size)
>>             return res
>>     class MyModel(models.Model):
>>         #...
>>         objects = MyModelQuerySet.as_manager()
>> This gives us a nice interface to handle all kind of changes regarding 
>> `MyModel`
>> Our example usage looks like this:
>> @receiver(pre_save, sender=MyModel)
>> def my_handler(sender, **kwargs):
>>     instance = kwargs['instance']
>>     if instance.verified:
>>         do_something(instance)
>>     else:
>>         do_else(instance)
>> @receiver(pre_bulk_update, sender=MyModel)
>> def my_bulk_update_handler(sender, **kwargs):
>>     update_kwargs = kwargs['update_kwargs']
>>     if 'verified' not in update_kwargs:
>>         # no change im interested in
>>         # no need to take any action
>>         return
>>     queryset = kwargs['queryset']
>>     pks_to_be_updated = queryset.values_list('pk', flat=True)
>>     if update_kwargs['verified']:
>>         do_something_bulk_update_implementation(pks_to_be_updated)
>>     else:
>>         bulk_update_do_else_implementation(pks_to_be_updated)
>> @receiver(pre_bulk_create, sender=MyModel)
>> def my_bulk_create_handler(sender, **kwargs):
>>     objs = kwargs['objs']
>>     group_1 = []
>>     group_2 = []
>>     for obj in objs:
>>         if obj.verified:
>>             group_1.append(obj)
>>         else:
>>             group_2.append(obj)
>>     if group_1:
>>         do_something_bulk_create_implementation(group_1)
>>     if group_2:
>>         bulk_create_do_else_implementation(group_2)
>> I think this turns out to be a very clean approach.
>> It help us use the most optimal strategy to handle the change.
>> So I'm sharing this with the community to check your feedback.
>> I believe if this gets into the Django Internals, it can be a very 
>> powerful tool.
>> It will lose power as a 3rd party app.

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