On Friday 07 April 2017 17:47:51 Carl Meyer wrote:
> Hi Shai,
> On 04/07/2017 06:02 AM, Shai Berger wrote:
> > This is an idea that came up during the djangocon-europe conference: Add
> > the ability to install general instrumentation hooks around the database
> > "execute" and "executemany" calls.
> > 
> > Such hooks would allow all sorts of interesting features. For one, they
> > could replace the current special-case allowing assertNumQueries &
> > friends to record queries out of debug mode (it's an ugly hack, really),
> > but they could also support my imagined use case -- a context-manager
> > which could prevent database access during execution of some code (I'm
> > thinking mostly of using it around "render()" calls and serialization,
> > to make sure all database access is being done in the view).
> Another use-case is for preventing database access during tests unless
> specifically requested by the test (e.g. pytest-django does this,
> currently via monkeypatching).

Yep. This feels right.

> > My idea for implementation is to keep a thread-local stack of context-
> > managers, and have them wrap each call of "execute". We could actually
> > even use one such context-manager instead of the existing
> > CursorDebugWrapper.
> Why a new thread-local instead of explicitly per-connection and stored
> on the connection?

Sorry for implying that it would be a new thread-local, I just hadn't thought 
it through when I wrote this. Of course it goes on the (already thread-local) 


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