
I have two models like these:

class Allarme(models.Model):

class Registrazione(models.Model):
       allarme = models.ForeignKey(Allarme, blank=True, null=True, 
on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, db_constraint=False)

now I want to change id field for these models from int to bigint so I 
added to both

id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True)

and I did the migration,

python manage.py sqlmigrate

show something like this:

-- Alter field id on allarme
ALTER TABLE "multimedia_allarmi" ALTER COLUMN "id" TYPE bigint USING 
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "multimedia_allarmi_id_seq" CASCADE;
CREATE SEQUENCE "multimedia_allarmi_id_seq";
ALTER TABLE "multimedia_allarmi" ALTER COLUMN "id" SET DEFAULT 
SELECT setval('"multimedia_allarmi_id_seq"', MAX("id")) FROM 
ALTER TABLE "multimedia_registrazioni" ALTER COLUMN "allarme_id" TYPE 
bigint USING "allarme_id"::bigint;
*ALTER TABLE "multimedia_registrazioni" ADD CONSTRAINT 
"multimedia_registrazioni_allarme_id_4919213e_fk" FOREIGN KEY 
("allarme_id") REFERENCES "multimedia_allarmi" ("id") DEFERRABLE INITIALLY 
-- Alter field id on registrazione
ALTER TABLE "multimedia_registrazioni" ALTER COLUMN "id" TYPE bigint USING 
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "multimedia_registrazioni_id_seq" CASCADE;
CREATE SEQUENCE "multimedia_registrazioni_id_seq";
ALTER TABLE "multimedia_registrazioni" ALTER COLUMN "id" SET DEFAULT 
SELECT setval('"multimedia_registrazioni_id_seq"', MAX("id")) FROM 

so as you can see a foreign key is added for a model field with 

can you please confirm that this is a bug? I'm using django 1.11.1


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