On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 8:55 PM, Tom Christie <christie....@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Any interface like this would literally just be "this function gets
> called with every event, but you can't listen for events on your own"
> Gotcha, yes. Although that wouldn't be the case with asyncio frameworks,
> since the channel reader would be a coroutine.
> Which makes for interesting design thinking if you want to provide an
> consumer interface that's suitable for both framework styles.

Well, it would be the case, it's just that it will launch a new coroutine
for each message, the way I'm thinking. It's either that or just one
coroutine context that processes messages linearly, and then you launch
lots of those in parallel.

> > HTTP request bodies being not an event, but a stream, and they're fine
> as they are deliberately on a special channel per request.
> Which it turns out actually makes the cooperative-tasks in a
> single-process implementation slightly awkward. (Doable, but rather more
> complex)
> For the purposes of my implementation it makes sense that if you've got a
> synchronous HTTP callable, then the server should buffer the incoming data
> and only dispatch a single message. (Not a problem wrt. Django, since
> ASGIHandler ends up effectively doing that in any case.)
Right, and this is the ultimate tradeoff I had to make in ASGI - the
WebSocket design problem means you simply cannot design around having
things all work in a single coroutine unless you go all the way and
guarantee that things are _always_ in the same thread so you don't need to
do sticky routing.


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