
Maybe this has no practical implications, but this has been bugging me for 
a couple of years now, ever since I started using django.core.signing to 
generate tokens: if you take a look at


the comment at the top says

   There are 65 url-safe characters: the 64 used by url-safe base64 and the 
   These functions make use of all of them.

Yet, : is specifically mentioned as a reserved character:


It is used for the scheme "https:". encodeURIComponent(":") returns "%3A".

If I do a test with a link like <a href="/:baz/?foo:=:bar"> in Firefox, the 
browser doesn't quote any of the colons, though. OTOH, if you put in 
"foo:bar/" as a relative link, foo: is interpreted as a scheme. So it's not 
unconditionally safe.

Furthermore, the above page lists some more characters as safe:


Of these only -_.!*'() are not quoted by encodeURIComponent and -_ (and 
perhaps .) are already taken by signing code.

But in any case, the comment, although satisfying to read, is AFAICT 

I don't know if it is worth it to switch to another default separator (say 
*). There would need to be a fallback to : for some years at least.


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