Hi all!

Apologies if this I miss any conventions here, I've been working with 
Django for a long time now but this is my first message here. I'm here to 
chat about...

*(Closed) Ticket #28609 <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28609> - 
Request URI*

I recently submitted a PR for a change which would make the original / raw 
URI of a request available to the development server's WSGI processing, as 
a parameter REQUEST_URI.

This would allow the creation of WSGI middleware which needs access to this 
information that can be used universally between both development with 
devserver and production with Nginx or similar.

Tim Graham suggested I post here if I disagree with it being flagged as 
wontfix on grounds of being something that would need to be discouraged as 
it enabled practices which are "not recommended".

I do disagree as there was a lack of any explanation or data around how 
this is a universal bad and whilst I agree it could be misused if a 
developer were naive of the details of how it can be used, I don't think 
that is sufficient justification. 

Lack of access to this means using very basic WSGI middleware with Django 
requires hugely disproportionate levels of effort. (eg. some suggestions 
offered were "write an alternative runserver" or "replace it with Apache", 
both likely measured in days of work for our team, in order to avoid a 
trivial code change which took 5 minutes and brings the dev server further 
in line with other commonly used WSGI servers)


I would like to enable access to this parameter so that we can continue to 
use runserver when working locally on the API for 
https://www.broadsheet.com.au - an Australian city guide and mid-sized 

The specific use case we have for the raw URI is simple – there is a fairly 
universal form of search URL where spaces are replaced with + rather than 
URL encoded and in order to enable "+required" style binary operators, any 
literal + characters in the search query are URL encoded. (Attached is a 
screenshot of Google, Youtube, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Amazon all using this 

So a search for "test search +banana" (typically a query which requests 
results for "test search" but limits results to pages including the word 
"banana") is encoded as test+search+%2Bbanana

The benefits are clear: cleaner, human-friendly URLs, use of the same query 
format in places where spaces are used as delimiters, and maintaining use 
of + for binary modifiers, all with one syntax.

The WSGI middleware which performs this replacement is trivial, but 
impossible to use with runserver currently as it does not provide the 


It is not possible to implement this as a library or add-on as the dev 
server does not pass this data downstream. Replacing the development server 
is a high cost if it is for this reason alone.

Alternative implementations within dev server could include full support 
for WSGI parameters, which seems excessive, or custom query string 
processing for this use case, which would be less compatible and may break 
other expected behaviours.

*Potential Downsides*

*Could be used inappropriately and may need to be cautioned against*

I don't see why there is any need for it to be documented, it is providing 
optional access to an internal, as is the case with WSGI parameters in 
other web servers. That aside, I disagree that requiring caution 
invalidates the value in making a tool available to users. 

*REQUEST_URI is not actually a standard *

This is true but it has become a de facto standard which is supported by 
most major web servers and in many cases enabled by default. Enabling it 
allows consistent WSGI middleware use.

*Cluttering the WSGI environment*

Given a very similar mechanism is being used to pass information like color 
highlighting status around it seems inconsistent to call this a concern.

*The implementation is flawed*

I would be very happy to receive feedback here, this is my first time 
submitting a patch / PR.



See https://github.com/django/django/pull/9101 – the change involved is 
minimal, it simply has the dev server add the raw URI as a parameter in the 
WSGI environment so that middleware can use it:

-        return super(WSGIRequestHandler, self).get_environ()

+        environ = super(WSGIRequestHandler, self).get_environ()
+        environ[str("REQUEST_URI")] = self.path
+        return environ

We have been using a branch with this change applied to 1.11 in both 
development and production since the PR was submitted, though the related 
WSGI middleware is not yet in production.

Thanks for your time!

Jay Lynch


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