Hey Neal,

Thank you very much for pointing that out, I actually found out about this
package as I was researching the ticket - I wish I had known about this a
couple of years ago as it would have saved me a fair bit of CPU and brain

I think that module is a good starting point and proves that it’s possible,
however I think the implementation can be improved upon if we bring it
inside core. I worked on a small PR to add this
and the implementation was refreshingly simple. It still needs docs, a
couple more tests and to fix a strange error with sqlite on Windows, but
overall it seems like a lot of gain for a small amount of code.


On 22 January 2018 at 15:10:53, Neal Todd (n...@torchbox.com) wrote:

Hi Tom,

A built-in bulk save that's more flexible than update would certainly be
nice. Just in case you haven't come across it though, there is a package
called django-bulk-update:


I've found it very useful on a number of occassions where update isn't
quite enough but the loop-edit-save pattern is too slow to be convenient.

Probably some useful things in there when considering the API and approach.

Cheers, Neal

On Friday, January 19, 2018 at 5:49:48 PM UTC, Tom Forbes wrote:
> Hello all,
> I’d love for some feedback on an idea I’ve been mulling around lately,
> namely adding a bulk_save method to Dango.
> A somewhat common pattern for some applications is to loop over a list of
> models, set an attribute and call save on them. This unfortunately can
> issue a lot of database queries which can be a significant slowdown. You
> can work around this by using ‘.update()’ in some cases, but not all.
> It seems it would be possible to use a CASE statement in SQL to handle
> bulk-updating many rows with differing values. For example:
> SomeModel.object.filter(id__in=[1,2]).update(
>     some_field=Case(
>         When(id=1, then=Value('Field value for ID=1')),
>         When(id=2, then=Value('Field value for ID=2'))
>     )
> )
> I’ve made a ticket for this here: https://code.djangoproject.
> com/ticket/29037
> I managed to get a 70x performance increase using this technique on a
> fairly large table, and it seems it could be applicable to many projects
> just like bulk_create.
> The downsides to this is that it can produce very large SQL statements
> when updating many rows (I had MySQL complain about a 10MB statement once),
> but this can be overcome with batching and other optimisations (i.e the
> same values can use WHEN id IN (x, y, z) rather than 3 individual WHEN
> statements).
> I’m imagining an API very similar to bulk_create, but spend any time on a
> patch I thought I would ask if anyone have any feedback on this suggestion.
> Would this be a good addition to Dango?
> --
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