fredag den 2. august 2019 kl. 13.46.46 UTC+2 skrev Sage M.A.:
> As a follow-up to this message 
> <!msg/django-developers/M4dYz7T2SUo/b5RVjJHxBQAJ>
>  and this ticket <>, I have 
> completed the implementation of a cross-DB JSONField.

As someone who has been using the Postgres-specific JSONField extensively 
for dynamic, custom fields for the past couple of years, can I humbly 
suggest that the some more thought goes into the field lookup before the 
current approach is enshrined?

The simple .filter(field__foo="hello world") is actually fine, but it gets 
really weird if you let users define foo. What if they call foo something 
like "contains"? What if "foo" is actually "Foo the bar?". The JSON makes 

  "Foo the bar?": true

but the Django filter does not.

The current documentation says you can use __contains, but as far as I can 
tell, __contains, besides being difficult to understand, cannot be used for 
queries like __icontains. And it overwrites a built-in, otherwise useful 

My current wish list is:

- kill special contains and contained_by (use Q(field__foo="xxx") | 
Q(field__bar="yyy") instead)

- kill has_keys and has_any_keys (use Q(field__has_key="xxx") | 
Q(field__has_key="yyy") instead)

- add possibility of using something more robust than __ for path 
traversal, perhaps just a JSON extract string like 

This could perhaps also allow us to use the JSONField content in places 
where you currently can't (e.g. annotate). I'm not sure how exactly to 
combine it with field lookup and operators, but I'm personally okay with 
something like

   .filter(**{ "myfield__" + JSONExtract("owner.other_pets[0].name") + 
"__icontains": "baz" })

That's way better than what we have now.

The neat thing about JSONField is that it can store some of the things that 
are otherwise difficult to handle with traditional schemas. I think with 
some love and a set of more orthogonal primitives, we could query it easily 
from Django, too.


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