Hello there,

This regards multi-database Django.

On https://github.com/django/django/pull/11630, a change was made to allow 
for multiple models with the same db_name, when a DATABASE_ROUTER is 
A ticket was open here for that issue: 
Eventually it gets marked with wontfix, but with a notice: "Feel free to 
reopen and offer a patch for evaluation if you think the implementation is 

I implemented the same changes of PR #11630, but with fields.E340 in mind 
(fields.E340: The field’s intermediary table <table name> clashes with the 
table name of <model>/<model>.<field name>.).

I would like to open a PR for it, but I'm not sure of the process I have to 
follow. Should the ticket be re-opened? Can I open the PR pointing at the 
wontfix ticket instead? Should I open a new ticket for it?

Best regards,

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