I’d like to re-propose switching Django to use BigAutoField’s rather than the 
current AutoField. This has been proposed[1] before (and a MR made[2]) but it 
was closed due to implementation issues and not much else has happened since 

As many of you are aware the max value a standard AutoField can hold is 
2,147,483,647 (2.1 billion) which sounds like more than you can ever need. But 
it’s often not, and you only find out at the worst possible time - out of the 
blue at night and during a period of rapid growth. The process for fixing this 
issue also becomes a lot harder as your data grows - when you’ve hit the limit 
you’re looking at a multi-hour `ALTER TABLE` on Postgres during which writes 
and reads are blocked, or a risky operation to create a new table with the 
correct primary key and copy old data over in batches. Basically if you’ve 
experienced this before you wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy.

I’m proposing that we add a `MODELS_PRIMARY_KEY` (name improvements welcome!) 
setting that _defaults_ to `BigAutoField`, with prominent docs/release notes 
saying that to preserve the existing behaviour this should be set to 
`AutoField`. I think this the only realistic way we can implement this for new 
projects in a way that ensures it will be used meaningfully and not forgotten 
about until it’s too late.

Rails managed to do this migration somewhat painlessly due the big differences 
between Rails and Django models. As Django migrations are derived from the 
current model state so there’s no way I can think of to express “make this 
auto-generated field a BigAutoField only if this model is new”. The way I see 
it is that a global setting is very easy to toggle and there is little chance 
of missing the large numbers of migrations that would be generated during the 
Django update. Smaller applications could apply the migrations with little 
issue and larger applications would be able to opt-out (as well as be reminded 
that this is a problem they could face!).

Some specifics:
- The setting would take any dotted path to a class, or a single class name for 
a build in field. This would potentially solve [3], and could be useful to 
people who want to default to other fields like UUIDs (or a custom 
BigAutoField) for whatever reason
- The setting would also be used for GenericForeignKeys, which right now are 
backed by a PositiveIntegerField and so suffer from the same AutoField 

Any thoughts on this?


1. https://groups.google.com/d/msg/django-developers/imBJwRrtJkk/P4g0Y87lAgAJ 

2. https://github.com/django/django/pull/8924/ 

3. https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/56 

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