On Friday, June 26, 2020 at 12:11:34 PM UTC+2 re...@fleschenberg.net wrote:

> There is a trade-off between security and development convenience here. 
> At the moment, the settings generated by manage.py startproject are 
> geared towards development (random default value for SECRET_KEY, DEBUG = 
> False).

Yes, but the situation is somewhat different in that case; for instance we 
advice people often to have different settings files ala dev.py and 
prod.py. Now dev.py can happily define `SECRET_KEY=123`, not much of an 
issue there. prod.py would simply use `SECRET_KEY = 
os.environ["SCRET_KEY"]` without a default since you absolutely need to set 
that. It becomes dangerous when you go full 12-factor and merge those two 
config files. Now it might become (as you suggested) `SECRET_KEY = 
os.environ.get("SECRET_KEY", "123")` which I find rather dangerous. The 
better solution here might be to use a random default (ie every process 
start) but that might make development tedious.

So all in all I think the chance of misstyping `SECRET_KEY` is higher than 
setting `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE`  to dev in production… FWIW this is 
exactly the reason why I also still have dev & prod settings. They both 
star-import stuff from settings.common, but otherwise define whatever they 
need. This also allows me to keep settings files free from if/else 
conditionals, since a production deployment usually is vastly different 
from a dev variant (error logging to sentry, x-forwarded-for handling, 
secure cookies everyhwere).

> There is also manage.py check --deploy. This catches DEBUG = True, but 
> not SECRET_KEY. Would it be a good idea to prefix the default SECRET_KEY 
> with something like "insecure-" and check for that in manage.py check 
> --deploy? 

Oh wow, this is good. I'd even go further and call it "dj::insecure::" so 
you can really easily grep for it and maybe even add it to git hooks.


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  • ... René Fleschenberg
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  • ... Shai Berger
  • ... Tom Carrick
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