Hi folks,

I came across this feature on GitHub today:

In short, it adds autolinks to external resources (e.g. our issue tracker) 
by referencing them using a prefix in GitHub comments or commits. So, 
instead of using Markdown to manually link to a ticket, we can just use the 
prefix followed by the ticket number, e.g. *TR-123* and GitHub will 
automatically convert it to a link.

Currently, we use the # character as a convention to refer to the tickets. 
However, this conflicts with the use of # on GitHub which automatically 
links to PRs (and issues if enabled). As a result, commits that refer to a 
ticket whose number is also a valid PR number, incorrectly link to the PR. 
Here's an example: 

As you can see, the commit message links to PR#12990 which actually isn't 
relevant. This also generates noise in the PR 
itself: https://github.com/django/django/pull/12990. I think that can be 
misleading to new contributors.

By using the autolinks, we can properly link the reference to the tickets. 
Sadly, we can't replace GitHub's # autolinks. So, we need to create a new 
prefix. This has some downsides, though:

   - It breaks the current convention of using # to refer to tickets.
   - The prefix must only contain letters, numbers, or -:/#
   - The prefix is 3 characters minimum, so this means commit messages will 
   be at least 2 characters longer than with the current convention.
However, considering the benefits:

   - No more incorrect links to irrelevant PRs.
   - No more noise in PRs from irrelevant commits.
   - Clickable ticket numbers in commits that take you to the tickets.
   - Quick linking to tickets in GitHub comments (no need to use Markdown).
   - Less confusion to new contributors.

I think it's worth it.

What do y'all think? If we're to agree upon this, I guess we need to come 
up with the prefix. I don't have any preference; as long as it makes sense, 
I'm in.

Oh, and one more thing: maybe we can also set up a prefix for PRs to easily 
differentiate between the two from now on. Here are some proposals:

   - *TR-1234* for TRac tickets, and *PR-5678* for PRs.
   - *TR#1234* for TRac tickets, and *PR#5678* for PRs.

And maybe we can set up another for DEPs, but that may not be necessary...


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