Hi Everyone,

TL;DR: This ticket was triaged to “Someday/Maybe” due to concerns over 
Fetch Metadata Request Headers being experimental and not supported by all 
browsers. I would like to address these concerns and hear them in more 
detail to see if we can add more protection for Django users now.

I wanted to get more feedback on this ticket regarding implementing Fetch 
Metadata Request Headers as an additional protection against cross-origin 
attacks. I also want to open a discussion about improving the CSRF 

The feedback on this ticket was concerned about the experimental nature of 
the headers. I would like to know more about the concerns regarding these 
headers as I think they would add value to Django and would not require 
additional maintenance once implemented given the current status of the 

Fetch Metadata Request Headers are a new security feature that protects 
against cross-origin attacks. They are to be used as a defense-in-depth 
feature and not as a replacement for the current CSRF protections. The spec 
can be found here. <https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-fetch-metadata> These 
headers, if set by the browser, would be checked in place of the referer 
header to protect against CSRF. Because these headers are only set if they 
are supported by the browser, their presence in the request indicates that 
the browser supports this feature and that the headers are accurate. If the 
headers are not present, the browser does not support this feature and the 
referer header check can be used instead. Given this, it is possible to 
account for browsers adopting this feature without losing backwards 

The experimental status of the feature should not affect the server-side 
implementation as only the client-side spec is subject to change. Of the 
four headers, the Sec-Fetch-Site header is the only one considered 
unstable. This header can be set to "cross-site", "same-origin", 
"same-site", or "none". “None” is used to distinguish “webby” requests from 
those that arise from user interaction with the user agent, like opening a 
bookmark. Each browser may have different interactions that fall into this 
category. As such, the client-side specification is open to some 
interpretation as the feature is adopted by more browsers. However, this 
shouldn’t have an impact on the server-side usage of the headers. More 
information can be found here. 

Currently, the CSRF middleware checks the referer header as an additional 
protection against MITM and other attacks that can circumvent the CSRF 
cookie and token checks. This is done by checking that the referer is a 
well formed URL and that connection is over https and not http. However, 
this header is not included in every request which leads to false positive 
cases where non malicious requests may be blocked. The new Fetch Metadata 
Request Headers provide more information than the referer header alone 
which allows for finer security controls based on the request origin and 
the adoption of a strict resource isolation policy in addition to verifying 
the URL.

Thank you for your thoughts!

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