Hello Django community,
caution: long post, TL;DR at the bottom.
in the past months, I tried much about tightly integrating a Js frontend
framework into a bigger Django application. I already introduced GDAPS,
a Django plugin system, where I want to have Dj apps bring their own
frontend code with them.
I made a proof-of-concept with Vue.js, and now experimented a bit with
Svelte, which I like more because it has no vDOM and it's maybe a bit
easier to integrate. I think I tried every piece of code that is
available in Git[hub|lab]* that sort of "integrates" Django with
frontends. I wrote (or adapted another, djsnowpack) a middleware that
injects output of e.g. snowpack into the Django dev http stream, so it
combines Django with snowpack/svelte, which works too, as a concept
Most of them use or more of the following patterns, a liitle summary:
* Django parses it's templates, and produces HTML. In most of the cases
the "templates" is just one index.html file that merely has static
character and just is the "holder" of some <app></app> tag which will be
replaced by some Js framework using injection or something similar.
Django templates here are completely unused. No GenericViews, no
DjangoForms, no SSR. Django mainly is the "backend" for an API. The Js
frontend, whatever it is, neds to be either bundled using a Js or even
node toolchain (webpack, rollup, snowpack, parcel etc.) which either
compiles the complete frontend into a "static" website which then can be
served from a web server.
Django could be replaced here using Express, or any API providing
service, REST framework or similar.
* Others "combine" these technologies by adding "MPA" support, Django
does the URL routing, has templates for every "page" then, and these
pages are either spiked with Js pieces (like jQuery in ancient times ;-)
) - vue.js can be used like that, by just adding it "online" as script,
and placing components into the templates. this is a little bit better,
as it combines "the best of both worlds", as the tutorials say.
The downside here: you have to use a framework like Vue with a virtual
DOM, which can be added to any static html page, and yoiu have to write
all the Vue templates into Js code - the (really big) davantage of
single file components (and therefore encapsulating functionality
transparently) is gone completely, you have to write it (in Vue) like:
Vue.component('image-list', { data: *function *() { *return *{ images:
[] } }, template: ` <div> <h1>Images</h1> <ul v-cloak
v-if="images.length"> <li v-for="image in images"> <img :src="image.src"
:alt="image.alt" /> </li> </ul> </div> `, } // ...
This approach is more or less usable for independent apps that have
their own "pages" in a bigger app, and for small components like the
code example, just a few lines., You could even use Alpine.js in another
page, within the same Django application.
*But one thing lack all of them: when the good fairy told me I had a
wish, I said: in my dream framework, I would like to have both
advantages, _without_ the correspoding disadvantage of it:*
Django should process the Dj templates, using all the cool stuff it
provides like extending templates of other apps, easy prefilling forms
with data, reusable DjangoForms and Django Views, etc.,*AND*, I want to
have webcomponents like the ones you can build with Vue, React, Svelte
etc. that are reusable too. Ideally like Svelte, without a virtual DOM.
The Django dev server (or something else) should do that automatically.
Single file components can be used, and provided even by other Django
apps than the one that uses them (Django CoreApp provides webcomponent
"foo", BazApp uses <foo/> in it's template)
So, let's get closer to the point, and here is my question (and the
cause I post this on django-developers):
Is there a possibility tweaking Django to integrate a frontend
framework, keeping the Django template language, Views, Forms etc., AND
using e.g. Svelte or Vue (etc) - which need a compile step
*afterwords*? HMR included
Django is known to be a bit "old-school" regarding frontend frameworks
integration, and to be honest, this is true - there are plenty of
cookiecutter templates, npx degit starter repositories, tutorials and
the like, most of them a bit clumsy and outdated, no "batteries
included" solution like Django itself - because there is no "API" for
integrating frontend frameworks in Django, which all bundlers or
frameworks could use.
So how would such a solution look like?
I could think of 2 things:
* creating/extending the DJango template backend which adds a compile
step after parsing the templates.
Downside: I've read that it may be not a good approach to let
Django "spawn" the Js compiler.
* adding a Dj middleware that includes the framework "somehow" into the
already parsed templates. Seems even more complicated to me.
* Use something like django-compressor with a plugin for that. Sorry, no
HMR here during development
including e.g. Vue or Alpine dynamically comes close to my ideal, but I
think a Js compile step is needed.
Do you have any thoughts here, hints about how to do that? Mission
Best regards,
Dr. Christian González
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