This has been proposed before (closed as wontfix):

On Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 9:53:07 AM UTC-5 

> # Feature request: wigets attribute for ModelFormMixin class
> ### Status quo
> The `ModelFormMixin` class currently implements the `fields` attribute by 
> it self and pass it to the `modelform_factory`:
> ```python
> class ModelFormMixin(FormMixin, SingleObjectMixin):
>     """Provide a way to show and handle a ModelForm in a request."""
>     fields = None
>     def get_form_class(self):
>         """Return the form class to use in this view."""
>         if self.fields is not None and self.form_class:
>             raise ImproperlyConfigured(
>                 "Specifying both 'fields' and 'form_class' is not 
> permitted."
>             )
>         if self.form_class:
>             return self.form_class
>         else:
>         ...
>             return model_forms.modelform_factory(model, fields=self.fields)
> ```
> On generic `CreateView` for example the field can be configured like:
> ```python
> class MonitoringRunNewView(CreateView):
>     model = MonitoringRun
>     fields = ('metadatas', )
>     ...
> ```
> Same can be done in `UpdateView` and so on.
> ### Enhancement
> Provide the possibility to declare widgets for the configured fields also 
> like:
> ```python
> class ModelFormMixin(FormMixin, SingleObjectMixin):
>     """Provide a way to show and handle a ModelForm in a request."""
>     fields = None
>     widgets = None
>     def get_form_class(self):
>         """Return the form class to use in this view."""
>         if self.fields is not None and self.form_class:
>             raise ImproperlyConfigured(
>                 "Specifying both 'fields' and 'form_class' is not 
> permitted."
>             )
>         if self.form_class:
>             return self.form_class
>         else:
>         ...
>             return model_forms.modelform_factory(model, 
> fields=self.fields, widgets=self.widgets)
> ```
> ```python
> class MonitoringRunNewView(CreateView):
>     model = MonitoringRun
>     fields = ('metadatas', )
>     widgets = {'metadatas': forms.HiddenInput()}
>     ...
> ```
> Configuring of `labels`, `help_texts` and `error_messages` could also be 
> helpfull. For that we also simply need to pass the attributes as in the 
> example above described.

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  • Fea... Jonas Kiefer
    • ... Tim Graham
      • ... 'Adam Johnson' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)

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