> We set maxlength/minlength on widgets for CharFields *because they map 
> from an already existing kwarg*. 
> For the case of `step` on a FloatField we’d need to add a kwarg — but 
> that’s only there to set a single attribute on the widget. 
> But FloatField also offers a min_value and max_value. When rendered as a 
widget, they are used as attributes min and max in their input
field. In addition to that, the field value is validated against a value in 
that range. To be consistent, the same should apply to the step value.
This would  furthermore allow the field to validate against a multiple of 
that step value. Such a feature currently has to be implemented on the 
project level.

I agree with Carlton that in the DecimalField this is handled by the 
attribute decimal_places.

– Jacob

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  • Pro... Jacob Rief
    • ... Markus Holtermann
      • ... Jacob Rief
        • ... Josh Smeaton
          • ... Carlton Gibson
            • ... Jacob Rief
              • ... Carlton Gibson
                • ... 'Adam Johnson' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
                • ... Jacob Rief
                • ... Kapil Bansal
                • ... Jacob Rief
                • ... 'Adam Johnson' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
                • ... Jacob Rief
                • ... James Bennett
                • ... Kapil Bansal

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