
Thanks for the release!

This has not directly to do with the security release, but I have a 
question about this remark: "Django 2.2 has reached the end of extended 
support. The final security release (2.2.28) was issued today. "

As I understood it, Django 2.2 will be supported until the end of April, 
meaning the 30th of April will be the last day of support. Because the 
Django release cycle is once every eight months, and years are divided into 
four parts, so the support windows runs up to 1 May. Am I correct in this? 
Our internal update policies are based on this assumption, so it matters a 
lot to us. 

Thanks for your clarification,


Op maandag 11 april 2022 om 09:57:16 UTC+2 schreef Mariusz Felisiak:

> Details are available on the Django project weblog:
> https://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2022/apr/11/security-releases/

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