
In light of what happened to the ctx package, this is a good time to get a 
conclusion on the following topic.

I opened a PR <https://github.com/django/django/pull/15670> based on an 
accepted ticket <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/25612> and a 
discussion <https://groups.google.com/g/django-developers/c/T-kBSvry6z0/>. 
The PR implements 2fa but excludes WebAuthn, leaving it out as an 
alternative to Django password-based auth. But an idea on GitHub was 
forwarded that the PR won’t be accepted without at least supporting 

While 2fa is one use case of WebAuthn, the primary use case, in my opinion, 
is providing an alternative to or a replacement for password-based 
authentication. Regardless of its use case, the implementation of WebAuthn 
does not have a lot in common with the opened PR. 

Instead of taking the all-or-nothing approach, doesn’t it make more sense 
to work on the opened PR--making Django more secure--and support WebAuthn 
when someone in the future opens a PR for either or both of the use cases?


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