> Among the dozen of Django applications I have worked on, at 3 companies, 
not a single one was actually running any kind of validation. It has always 
been a mistake, 100% of the time, *never* the desired behavior.

Besides not taking time to understand how Django works, it seems they 
weren't doing any manual testing or writing tests for invalid data either, 
so for me, this doesn't add much weight to the argument.

> I was able to find was that it was for "performance reasons", and I 
refuse to believe that a mature web framework like Django would prioritize 
performance (let's face it - even my millions-of-requests-per-day API 
service doesn't care about a few extra milliseconds here and there) over 
the most basic data safety concerns by default. 

I'm not sure it's correct to dismiss performance considerations, 
particularly when Model.full_clean() could add database queries for 
validating unique or other constraints. I believe doing validation 
redundantly (e.g. with form validation) or unnecessarily (e.g. bulk loading 
good data) would add undesired overhead. I think that forcing the entire 
Django ecosystem to opt out of automatic model validation as needed would 
be a heavy requirement to impose at this point. And apparently it was 
considered too heavy a requirement to impose when model validation was 
added in Django 1.2, released May 2010. 

I would try to keep an open mind to a concrete proposal, but I'm skeptical 
and it's surely non-trivial.
On Friday, September 30, 2022 at 7:53:24 PM UTC-4 aa...@aaronsmith.co wrote:

> If `ModelForm` were truly where validation logic lived, django would not 
> even use foreign keys. All constraints would be handled at the Form layer. 
> But we do use FKs, and also do other database-level consistency and 
> validity features, because data objects should understand and enforce their 
> own constraints. So what we have now is some types of validation happen 
> below Model, and some live above in the Form. This means that the data 
> store is not a single thing that's implemented with a simple interface, it 
> is a network of things which in inherently more difficult to work with, 
> understand, and maintain.
> If Forms were truly the validation layer, why am I able to specify things 
> like maximum length and allowed choices on the Model? Shouldn't those 
> things be specified at the Form layer?
> On Friday, September 30, 2022 at 4:27:13 PM UTC-7 Aaron Smith wrote:
>> Jorg,
>> I do not believe it violates any separation of concerns. `full_clean()` 
>> is already a method on the Model class itself. The Model is already where 
>> all validation logic lives, except for the actual *triggering* of the 
>> validation.
>> What I believe violates separation of concerns is that models do not run 
>> something which is already internal to itself, i.e. they are not actually 
>> fully functional as a data store layer, unless an external thing 
>> (ModelForm) is implemented. That feels wrong to me.
>> On Friday, September 30, 2022 at 2:19:35 PM UTC-7 
>> j.bre...@netzkolchose.de wrote:
>>> @Aaron 
>>> Oh well, if anecdotal personal evidence counts for you - here is mine: 
>>> Working here since 2008 with Django in tons of projects in different 
>>> positions. The project sizes were from small websites to big API-driven 
>>> SPA cluster installations (with and w'o DRF). Ofc it is not all rainbows 
>>> and ponies with Django, but python-side data validation never crossed my 
>>> way as seriously flawed in Django. NOT EVEN ONCE. (Could list at least 
>>> 5-7 other topics that are somewhat tedious to get done with Django, but 
>>> thats offtopic here.) 
>>> Plz dont jump from personal frustration about poor development processes 
>>> you have observed to all-conclusions, that depict most Django users as 
>>> total noobs. (Still funny to read, as it reminded me on those flaming 
>>> wars between Perl and Python folks ~18ys ago, which abruptly ended when 
>>> Perl6 finally made its debut.) 
>>> > The question is not whether you /can/ compose validation into django 
>>> > models. The concern is that it should be done /by default/ to protect 
>>> > the average naive newbie developer from mistakes. 
>>> I'm sorry if I didn't answer that more directly for you - nope, imho it 
>>> should not be done by default on `Model.save`. It violates the path in 
>>> separation of concerns Django has chosen with form validation, thus the 
>>> -1 from my side. 
>>> Regards, 
>>> Jörg 

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