I tend to believe the opposite is true. Django was/is a successor in its field, because it offers an "out-of-the-box" or "batteries included" experience. Subsequently parts were shaped as needed for that bigger picture, e.g. the ORM became what it is today.

Does anyone still remember django versions with external south migrations? Was much more tricky to get done right, ppl would just forget it, do it in wrong order, whatsoever. Got basically fixed by the tighter integration with typical django project lifecycling.

By making the ORM an external lib with its own progression and versioning you'd reintroduce all that fuzz again, plus frictions from API changes, that seem logical from a db maintainer viewpoint, but make life harder at consumer end (would be django here). By keeping it in one place those tiny viewpoint differences can be leveled out upfront.

Ofc mammoths move slower, but they are also more resilient against disturbance. In terms of good long term maintainability the more granular/agile approach as seen in the JS-world still has to prove itself. Projects there need a lot more care&love of their dependency lists, and typically wont run anymore after 1-2 years without manually fixing this or that, because package xy of 100+ dependencies turned its API upside-down for no good reason.

So no, outsourcing things is not always a good idea.
All imho, ofc.


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