Carlton Gibson has addressed my feature 

On Friday, July 15, 2022 at 8:21:52 PM UTC-4 Dan Swain wrote:

> With the growing uptake of technologies like HTMX, I would like to see an 
> additional parameter added to render_to_string().  In my rewritten 
> definition of render_to_string() below (taken from the docs), I have named 
> the parameter “part”.  In rendering portions of a template for responses to 
> ajax calls, these template portions end up being stored in separate 
> template snippet files and then {% include(d) %} in the main template.  I 
> think that keeping everything related to a view in a single template file 
> is much more desirable.  Therefore, just include *part=selector* in order 
> to pull out the part of the template that is needed for rendering.  The 
> file structure for managing templates would become much simpler with this 
> approach.
> *render_to_string**(**template_name**, part=None, **context=None**, *
> *request=None**, **using=None**)¶ 
> <>*
> *render_to_string()* loads a template like *get_template()* 
> <>
>  and 
> calls its *render()* method immediately. It takes the following arguments.
> *template_name*
> The name of the template to load and render. If it’s a list of template 
> names, Django uses *select_template()* 
> <>
>  instead 
> of *get_template()* 
> <>
>  to 
> find the template.
> *part*
> An optional CSS selector that will be used to cause only the portion of 
> the template that matches the selector to be rendered.
> *context*
> A *dict* <> to be 
> used as the template’s context for rendering.
> *request*
> An optional *HttpRequest* 
> <>
>  that 
> will be available during the template’s rendering process.
> *using*
> An optional template engine *NAME* 
> <>.
> The search for the template will be restricted to that engine.

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  • Fea... Dan Swain
    • ... charettes
    • ... Ken Whitesell
      • ... 'Adam Johnson' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
    • ... Dan Swain

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