I am looking a way for insert a parameter in a data serializer before save, 
I have a model with only 2 fields, for stay easy, let's consider that both 
are of an API service on the internet, like twitter. For example.

I have to accept a command line, via curl, like this:
curl -X POST -F twitter_id=1399 http://localhost:8000/api/users/, then to 
consult the api service and, finally, save on my database.

My problem is: There is just one parameter (twitter_id) on the query, how 
to insert a second parameter (twitter_name)?

Below I show my code and my try (commented)

    class User(models.Model):


    class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
        serializer_class = UserSerializer
        queryset = User.objects.all()

        def get_queryset(self):
            queryset = User.objects.all()
            twt_id = self.request.query_params.get('twitter_id', None)
            limit = self.request.query_params.get('limit', None)
            if tw_id is not None:
                queryset = queryset.filter(twitter_id=tw_id)
            elif limit is not None:        
                queryset = queryset[:int(limit)]
            return queryset

    class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
        links = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
        data_twt = {}
        class Meta:
            model = user
            fields = ('twitter_id', 'twitter_name')
         # ... 
        def get_links(self, obj):
            request = self.context['request']
            links = {'self': reverse('person-detail', kwargs={'pk': 
obj.pk}, request=request)}

        def validate(self, data):
            if bool(self.context['request'].POST):
                tw_id = str(data['twitter_id'])
                _tw_id = User.objects.filter(twitter_id=fb_id)
                if _tw_id.exists():
                    raise serializers.ValidationError('User already 
                        self.data_twt = get_twitter_person(fb_id)
                        # Here I tried to modify data, but data is read only
                        # data['twitter_name'] = self.data_twt['name']
                        raise serializers.ValidationError('Id not in 
            return data

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