> Le 30 mai 2017 à 08:54, Priyanka Thakur <priyanka.t...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> I am using Django rest 3.6.2 version .
> The model class is having a ForeignKey relationship as :
> class Deliverable(model.Model):
>         architectureattribute = models.ForeignKey(Architectureattribute, 
> blank=True, null=True)
> class DeliverableSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
>     class Meta:
>          model = Deliverable
>          fields = tuple([getattr(x, 'name') for x in 
> Deliverable._meta.fields])
> In Django Rest , the serializer object is decoded as for the foreign key as:
> architectureattribute = PrimaryKeyRelatedField(allow_null=True, 
> queryset=Architectureattribute.objects.all(), required=False)
> With a put request i am updating only some fields and since I'm doing 
> migration, Database contains null value for the architectureattribute.
> But with "null" value , serializer validation is failing. 
> On debugging I found that the PrimaryKeyRelatedField is not handling the 
> "null" value, even though allow_null property is set. 
> Please explain or guide, as to what I'm doing wrong here . 

Before going further, a few points need to be more clear.
Can you provide the request’s payload you’re sending ?
What’s the exact response message or the traceback ?
Can you print a serializer’s (not your code, but an actual serializer’s 
instance) so we can check what constraints it has ?
Did you try with the latest Django REST framework version ?

Xavier Ordoquy,

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