Hey, I had the same error though not necessarily the same situation:

We were working with old Django 1.7, and had some HStores and used 
django_hstore lib since Django didn't natively support HStore back then. 
anyways, when migrating to 1.11 just now, I dropped the usage of 
django_hstore and used the native HStoreField. however, I imported it wrong 
in the model, and instead of:
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import HStoreField

I used:
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import hstore

and instead of:
    process_status = HStoreField(default={}, blank=True)

I used:
    process_status = hstore.HStoreField(default={}, blank=True)

it was working, but in DRF it failed with this error.

also, and maybe that was the real thing, I forgot to add 


hope this helps someone as clumsy as me :)

On Monday, May 1, 2017 at 1:55:10 PM UTC+3, Змий Хорыныч wrote:
> Hello! 
> I have a model with HStoreField:
> When I try view in browser I get:
> AttributeError at /records/
> 'str' object has no attribute 'items'
> I set the breakpoint on *to_representaion* method in *DictField and I 
> see:*
> def to_representation(self, value):                    *self: 
> CharMappingField() value: ' "key"=>"value" '*
>     """
>     List of object instances -> List of dicts of primitive datatypes.
>     """
>     return {
>         six.text_type(key): self.child.to_representation(val) if val is not 
> None else None
>         for key, val in value.items()
>     }
> value is string, but must be dict.
> It is a model and serializer:
> class Test(models.Model):
>     attempts = HStoreField()
> class TestSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
>     class Meta:
>         model = Test
>         fields = '__all__'
> Django version (1.11), Rest Framefork (3.6.2)
> Thanks for any help!

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