My file:

from rest_framework import serializers

    from diagnosisApp.models import Question, Option

    class OptionSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):

        class Meta:
            model = Option
            fields = ('id', 'content')

    class QuestionSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
        content = serializers.CharField()
        options = OptionSerializer(
            Option.objects.filter(optiongroup__question=**insert instance 
value here**).distinct(),

I'm trying to create a nested OptionSerializer inside QuestionSerializer 
but I need to filter the queryset based on the question instance which will 
be passed during initialization in this section: 
`optiongroup__question=**insert instance value here**`. How do I do this?

P.S: Please don't tell me to use ModelSerializer or SerializerMethodField 
because options is not directly related to Question and the options field 
needs to be writable.

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