Hi, I have a basic one-to-many foreign key relationship (each product
has a company associated with it, one company can have multiple
products). I do not specify an explicit serializer relation for this
field (e.g. PrimaryKeyRelatedField) so it's using the FK definition
from the models ( company = models.ForeignKey(Company, models.CASCADE,
blank=True, null=True) )

I have overridden the .create() method in the Product serializer
(inherits from ModelSerializer) to use the company name that's passed
in, to look up the relevant ID (or create a new record) and assign it
to " validated_data['company'] = company_obj " and it works fine.

However, on the update (PATCH) where I also pass in the company name,
I get a validation error saying that it expects a primary key instead
of the name ("Incorrect type. Expected pk value, received str"). I
have added breakpoints in .update() and .partial_update() of the
Product serializer but the error seems to come from an earlier
validation routine. Could someone suggest where I can intercept the
validation process to translate the company name into an object and
put in validated_data['company'] , the same way I am doing in
.create() ?

I tried adding a field level validation, but that doesn't seem to make
a difference.

def validate_company(self, value):
        c, created = Company.objects.get_or_create(name = value)
        return c


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