
We have an ecommerce website which was developed using Django template
based and the stack that we used:

1. Django ( no DRF )
2. Python
3. PostgreSql
4. HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery and partly Vue.js
Now we are trying to write REST APIs using DRF for the same website and we
are using this stack:
5. Django with DRF
6. Python
7. PostgreSql
8. < Unknown yet? >

and we are running implementation challenges while adding REST APIs. Those

Q1. Do we need to use specific GUI front ends like (React/Vue.js/Angular
and etc.)?

Q2. The reason for developing REST APIs now is to port a mobile app using
Flutter. We thought we could get a json response from the REST API and use
that in a mobile app. So we are wondering whether we really need a new UI
for adding REST APIs? or can we use our existing UI (HTML, CSS, Javascript,
Jquery) to serve our implementation use case.

When we tried to add REST APIs for a couple of apps, we encountered that
any REST API needs to have an UI, is this really true?

So we are basically stuck on implementation currently and thought that we
could get some help from this community to understand a sustainable
solution for us. I would appreciate it if you have any advice for us.

Best regards,

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