#22681: TarArchive has_leading_dir usage bug
     Reporter:  phpdude              |      Owner:  nobody
         Type:  Bug                  |     Status:  new
    Component:  Core (Management     |    Version:  master
  commands)                          |   Keywords:  startproject, tar,
     Severity:  Normal               |  template, allversions
 Triage Stage:  Unreviewed           |  Has patch:  1
Easy pickings:  1                    |      UI/UX:  0
 I found small bug in django.utils.archive.TarArchive.extract function.


 There members is a list of TarInfo objects (tarfile.TarInfo), not just a
 list of path strings.

 Because of this bug django cannot recognize leading_dir in tar archives.

 Take a look for example startproject with tar and zip archive.

 (env)@dude /WWW# django-admin.py startproject -v 3 --template
 skeleton/repository/archive test14
 Rendering project template files with extensions: .py
 Rendering project template files with filenames:
 Downloading http://git.floraconcierge.com/flora-concierge/django-

 Creating /WWW/test14/django-skeleton.git/manage.py
 Creating /WWW/test14/django-skeleton.git/README
 Creating /WWW/test14/django-skeleton.git/test14/__init__.py
 Creating /WWW/test14/django-skeleton.git/test14/urls.py
 Creating /WWW/test14/django-skeleton.git/test14/wsgi.py

 And example with zip archive

 (env)@dude /WWW# django-admin.py startproject -v 3 --template
 https://github.com/rdegges/django-skel/zipball/master test15
 Rendering project template files with extensions: .py
 Rendering project template files with filenames:
 Downloading https://github.com/rdegges/django-skel/zipball/master

 Creating /WWW/test15/.gitignore
 Creating /WWW/test15/fabfile.py
 Creating /WWW/test15/gunicorn.py.ini
 Creating /WWW/test15/manage.py
 Creating /WWW/test15/Procfile
 Creating /WWW/test15/README.md
 Creating /WWW/test15/requirements.txt
 Creating /WWW/test15/runtime.txt
 Creating /WWW/test15/wsgi.py

 I fixed this and created pull request in github. Please aply it soon.


 Thank you, alex

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/22681>
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